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Rise Of The Necromancer [MOD]


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  • 3 months later...

Why is this not on nexus? Why come to nexus to advertise for a mod thats on bethesda.net?


Honestly getting sick of having to disable my enb,reshade and sweet.fx just to view bethesda's half-assed modding site and the mod authors who force me to use it. And seriously, does anyone enjoy using bethesda's in-game modding thing? It never keeps my mods up to date, I don't have as much control over them as I do with NMM and you can't even download mods from bethesda.net without using the game itself, so if you have a CTD issue gl finding out what files belong to what bethesda.net mod!


Stop forcing people to use bethesda's inferior mod manager just so we can run your mod. Upload it to the nexus where it belongs.

Edited by ovanmaru
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I chose to put it exclusively on Bethesda.net for personal reasons, and to get a larger audience.


I chose to promote it here so anyone interested could grab it. Since it's not hosted here I thought it would help get the word out.


Nobody is forced to do anything.


If you want my mod, you could probably figure out a way to ask more nicely. You could also figure out how to use Beth mods alongside Nexus mods.


As the author I decide where it belongs. You haven't convinced me to change my mind, in fact, if you read what you wrote from my perspective, you've reinforced that I made the right decision about where to host my mod.

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