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Fast Exit help


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Since getting my mod order together, the only problem I've experienced is that it consistently crashes when exiting the game. I know this is a very common problem so I DLed the FastExit2 mod.


But I was curious if there were any other solutions. Especially since I just recently had the game crash during the game, not when exiting, and I'm not sure why. It hasn't happened more than once but I'm worried it could become more frequent. Aside from the official and unofficial patches, are there any other crash fix mods or plugins that one should always use?

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Very recommended OBSE plugins against CTD:

- Engine Bug Fixes (self-explanatory)

- Oblivion Stutter Remover (the name says everything, and it also prevent many CTD. The latest version also include the FastExit plugin, so you can remove FastExit2).

- More Heap (oblivion only uses a limited amount of memory, but may require much more)

- Oblivion Reloaded (enhance graphic while also fixing some little bugs in the engine)

- Message Logger (not a bug fix per se, but allow you to see the Oblivion internal errors and maybe discover a bug you or someone else can fix)


Recommended mod (it doesn't directly fix/prevent CTD, but it can still help you avoid many situations which may eventually lead to CTD):

- MigMaster Script Resources (the SafeCloningFunction - Filter.esp require the bashed patch, but it's recommended)

Edited by forli
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New question, the directions for installing the stutter remover say to copy the Data folder from the zip file to your oblivion folder. Obviously this can't be correct as doing so would overwrite the Oblivion data folder. So I'm not sure exactly where those .dll files need to go..... I'm assuming Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins ?

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Unless your OS is dumb, it won't overwrite the data folder, but will merge the content of the two folders (so it will take the content of the data folder you're dropping and will move it inside the other data folder, and if there are common subfolders repeat the procedure with them).

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Unless your OS is dumb, it won't overwrite the data folder, but will merge the content of the two folders (so it will take the content of the data folder you're dropping and will move it inside the other data folder, and if there are common subfolders repeat the procedure with them).

OK, so basically the content of the zip file's data folder simply goes into the oblivion/data folder?

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Yes, it will drop the content from zip/Data into Oblivion/Data, and if there are further conflict even inside Oblivion/Data the rule is the same.

The OS never overwrite a folder, only files (and only if you confirm, when it ask you to overwrite them).

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Nice. I did that and it appears to work. Only issue is there is still a crash error popup when exiting the game but its not as severe as previously. Not sure if installing fastexit2 will help.


This isn't a huge issue since I can still exit but I sorta wish the game had no crash issues at all. :sad:

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OK Snuke, put on your reading glasses and get ready for another Striker wordfest.


Whenever I see the install instructions "and extract to your Oblivion folder" or "extract to your Data folder" I always translate that to "and extract to your download folder and then copy to your Oblivion/Data folder after you have examined the contents of the extracted download".


Why ... the last thing you will ever talk me into is trusting somebody else with what goes into my game's folders. Yup, there are plenty of competent mod authors on here who know exactly what they are doing. Then there's the other mod authors. I'm not going to spend time figuring out which camp mod author A belongs to.


I have a large hard drive that is devoted to downloads and archiving (my H drive). Whenever I download a mod it goes into a folder in H:\Oblivion_Downloads. Using my favourite hypothetical mod, JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor mod, that will give me H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor-12345.7z, which I will extract with 7-Zip. If Joe distributed his mod in "OMOD Ready" format it will extract to H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor.esp along with a Meshes and a Textures folder as subfolders of H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor.


I'll then look through the meshes and especially the textures folders and compare them to my game's current meshes and textures folder. What I'm looking for is files that are the same name as a file I currently have installed in the same folder path (lets say Joe used the same texture resource as FredsReallyReallCoolArmor for the cuirass, a file named KittiesCoolCuirassTexture.dds that they both got from the same modders resource and they both used the folder structure used in the source ... Textures\Armor\KittiesResources\KittiesCoolCuirassTexture.dds).


Now if both textures were identical, no problem, but let's say when comparing file sizes I notice that Fred's version (which I currently have installed and love) is a different file size that Joe's. Comparing them in PaintDotNET confirms that Fred edited the texture a bit and if I install Joes it will overwrite with a different texture (something that can be easily fixed using some other tools, but beyond the point of this lesson ... just providing an illustration of "Why").


Now 99 times out of 100 you won't find any reason that Joes can't be installed in your current setup (i.e. no files will be overwritten) so you are going to go ahead and install it.


First I will create a new "Installed" subfolder in my H:\Oblivion_Download\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor and then a Data folder inside that Installed folder (so H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor\Installed\Data). Using the mouse right click menus I'll copy JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor.esp from the extracted download and paste it into the Installed\Data folder. Then I'l do the same with the extracted download's Meshes folder and Textures folders.


Now to install the mod I'll simply right click on the Data folder in the Installed folder and select Copy and then navigate to my game's Oblivion folder, right click on Oblivion and select Paste from the right click menu. Windows will pop up a warning that there is already a folder named Data ... select Yes to All (and if you don't get that warning you are pasting into the wrong folder). The rule of thumb when copying and pasting is to paste into the destination folder when copy/pasting files and to paste into one folder level higher when copy/pasting folders (hence copy Data paste into Oblivion or copy Meshes paste into Data).


Then all that's left is to activate the ESP using Wrye Bash, run BOSS and then rebuild your bashed patch (or activate using the Oblivion Launcher/OBMM/some other mod manager, pray for a favourable result in the random dates stakes for load order and offer alms to the Gods for a successful game start post installation).


You could also use Wrye Bash to install JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor-12345.7z if you are resisting Striker's efforts in turning you over to the Dark Side (aka manual install dinosaur). Either way, by taking the time to examine each download you will be learning about how mods are structured, and will come up with new questions (and questions are far far more important than answers ... at least in the universe this dinosaur inhabits).

Edited by Striker879
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Little tip: if you use Wrye Bash you can click on the package BEFORE installing it, and on the right it will list all conflicts.

Also, WB will tell you whatever the files in the Data folder have higher or lower priority than the files you're going to install (higher priority files always overwrite lower priority files), so it really helps you to quickly predict how the game folder will look like after the installation.

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