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Guys who play girl characters


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Because I can. And because I find the female form attractive. Especially slender and athletic body types. Form-fitting armor and heavy weaponry a plus.


Guys if you're busy looking at fake T&A it's not going to get you real T&A lol. Same goes for whatever your sexual preferences are.


I'm not looking for real T&A - too much overhead, and it gets in the way of my gaming.

Edited by Lucubration
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female form attractive

Which is all nice and good, and kind of creepy in this context, but: How often do you really watch your character? I only see a huge sword and 2 hands here and there. TES games have never been any good at 3d person.


That said, I almost always play guy. THat's because I can not think of a demonic warrior, wearing a huge 2 handed sword, be a female. I am sorry, women are suppose to be attractive and cute, not hulky with a 2 hander. It breaks everything I know!

Perhaps I live in the old days, when it was the guys job to be the protective alpha male.

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I play female characters because:


An RPG for me is about being something you are not IRL. I also rarely play as humans if I have a choice. I do role play and relate to the character, female or not. But for the life of me I can't relate myself to a muscular battle axe wielding guy that looks nothing like me any more than I can relate myself to a sneaky female thief. So that point/argument is useless for me. But I can create a character that is interesting for me, makes sense to me, and is preferred by me. With own unique agendas, bad habits, dark secrets etc.


I do play as males sometimes, if I can "create" this interesting character for myself. But it happens so that my characters are more suited to be females. I don't play as warriors, but sneaky and/or at the same time very powerful (not physically) characters. Powerful mages or frightening assassins that would be killed in one strike by a warrior that would get in close range. That is my preferred role.


As I said my characters have history, habits, interests, dark secrets etc., not simply imported "me" into the fantasy world (not that I'm saying it's somehow inferior or whatever, mind you, but just my preference). And since I don't just import "me" into the character, why would I be strictly relating myself to male characters?


Here is my answer. :)

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female form attractive

Which is all nice and good, and kind of creepy in this context, but: How often do you really watch your character? I only see a huge sword and 2 hands here and there. TES games have never been any good at 3d person.


I play in 3rd person all the time, actually. Especially when I'm playing melee. I find it a lot easier to track than trying to watch how the hands/weapons are moving at the edges of the screen.


That said, I almost always play guy. THat's because I can not think of a demonic warrior, wearing a huge 2 handed sword, be a female. I am sorry, women are suppose to be attractive and cute, not hulky with a 2 hander. It breaks everything I know!

Perhaps I live in the old days, when it was the guys job to be the protective alpha male.


Tell that to Valsi the Despoiler; Sacker of Townships, Raiser of Castles, Plunderer of Maidens! Alright, I admit, my current character is a murderous, sociopathic brute of a woman.


Even in the old days, though, there were psychologically vicious women and physically very strong women; they were usually just not glorified the way strong, aggressive men would tend to be.

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Who was glorified is none of my concern. I have never, and will never, be attracted to huge, strong, tall, women. I have never been able to hang out with a chick that is trying to act as the "alpha". Hence I find it... wrong, for my taste :)


I guess that is why I have never been able to play a girl in games like TES. In FPS, however, I find it easier. Why that is, I do not know.

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This post reminds me of what happens when I play an online game, Guild Wars. As a female playing a female character, I am constantly being asked if I'm really a guy. I am challenged and told that I am really a guy just pretending to be a girl. This happens to me a lot and it's quite common.

As a girl playing a male character, I've never had that kind of questioning...nobody even really seems to care one way or the other. Nobody asked me if I were really a girl playing a guy character. Never. Nobody's ever asked. Kind of strange.


I get the impression that guys playing as female characters is somewhat a norm.


But I don't think guys playing a female is because they want to look at her body is why men play female characters. Maybe for some but not the majority. I think they play female characters for the same reason I will sometimes, not often, play a male character...change. Subtle rule changes when your sex changes. Even if the rules aren't necessarily in the game itself but in your own head.


See, I find this odd, yet I've read many times that people have had that sort of experience. I almost always play a female character, single-player or MMO, and I've only ever been asked a couple of times if I'm male or female. I've never had anyone imply that they assumed that I was female, nor "challenge" me or make any bones about it in any case. Maybe there's something just unmistakably male about me when I start typing or something.


But I've noticed you're right about unspoken rules changing when you play different character genders, even in you're own head.

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What I always wanted to know is how can they RP menstruation? or period conveniently don't exist on skyrim or RP at all?


Sound disturbing i know but is fascinating looking at it as a psychologist

They don't RP taking a dump either..... Not that they should need to. Same concept applies.



Yeah, but it would be an interesting touch on the Werewolf concept. Remeber they can smell blood from a mile away. Ok, possibly creepy, but hey I'm interested in creepy things.

*Goes shifty eyed*

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Why do so many people care what someone else plays as? I thought we were all trying to have fun. I'm no rouge in real life- or an assassin- or a warrior. I guess I find women more interesting to play as because I find them more interesting in real life.


Don't we all want to play as interesting characters? To me, Women can embody everything interesting: beauty, brains, class, strength. and perfection. No guy to me is perfect nor will they ever be.


That said I play as girls and guys. Usually girls though.

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Someone noted that most of the time you just see hands and weapons of your char anyway, and even in pure 3rd person games you usually focus mostly on playing, rather than looking at your character.

So most of the time you're playing a woman you won't notice/care, but the few times you pay attention to that fact, you're gonna like the eye candy.

I've mostly stopped doing that in RPGs though, since those very often have romance options, and in party-based RPGs I can just have the eye candy follow my macho character anyway. Also I can relate better to men in dialogue scenes where gender makes a difference. Theory: Most guys who like to play girls in action games are probably more into "tomboys" rather than "girly girls".


I find it weirder that, as a science student in real life, I almost always play warriors. I actually blame bad game design in many games for that, since in games where the following does not apply I love being a mage:

  • 90% of all combat encounters are normally kinda easy, and having to manually cast and target spells in those gets tedious. As does having to sneak up on them at the speed of a snail. Just charging right into a horde off weak mooks and cutting them down is something I enjoy, on the other hand.
  • Buff chains are boring, and mages often need them. 'Nuff said. Rogues unfortunately tend to be lock-openers and trap-disarmers, and a support role like that is not what the main character chosen by destiny to save the world should be IMO.

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