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Guys who play girl characters


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This is me and my husband and recreations I made of us in the CS.




He doesn't play video games much. Here is his character who I play as, ingame.



It doesn't mean I want to be a guy. It means I want to explore the game world from a perspective I imagine as his.

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FYI I live in France and over here we have more than our share of pretty ladies but most of them don't walk around waving battleaxes. :biggrin:


It's just that a pretty little thing with gloss and a manicure is not my idea of a fearsome female adventurer... I've been trying to make a character that looked good but not like a painted wench. Think Éowyn not Megan Fox.


Also on the supermodel thing, it is a matter of taste but if you think that ladies on magazine covers really look that good without some help from photoshop you are wrong. Most movie stars need the right make up and lighting to look anything like they do on film. I can only think of a few who look good in unfavourable conditions and these are the truly beautiful women.



Haha fair enough, I'm not a fan of make up either. Though looks can be especially deceiving when it comes to fiction :wink:


And of course photoshop is highly involved with the finalizing of photos on media. But I personally can appreciate artificial beauty. Visual and medical technology is good enough in this age that I think there's nothing wrong with using them to improve on your image, that's why they were invented. Maybe it's my line of work rubbing off on me heh.



It's a hot topic because people (in general) love to search for and point out what they perceive as flaws in other people to make them feel better about themselves and whatever they feel they're lacking in their own lives.


At least someone got free therapy out of these 34 pages. I'm just here because I am masochistic enough to enjoy these arguments lol



I guess I just find chiks with big swords hot


You're not alone lol. It's so unusual that it's appealing.

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Breton girls are...short and I have a thing for petite asians.



I know what you mean dude, I'm born/live in south east asia and petite is the only way to describe most girls here. Still not sick of it. But I think we're going off topic lol, though this isn't a bad way to end the thread.

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I mean think about it, you have this hot chick, dual wielding the Dragonsbane and Bolar's Oathblade, while wearing the Deadric Armor with no helmet on. That's hot bro. Not to mention Breton girls are...short and I have a thing for petite asians.

Quite the fetish you got there! Ive heard peope like leather, but dual wielding swords and dadreic armor? :o


Hot Chicks with big Swords?

I could so turn that on the head and give it a total different meaning!

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I don't know anyone who doesn't like petite Asian girls. Even the women I know agree.



I guess petite Asian girls have the same effect on people that Garrus from Mass Effect has on people.

Edited by Aais
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You can only think of two.


You've never watched the Oscars then, I suppose. I always do, and though they do have hair and makeup done, the lighting is generic for all of them.


Your standards sound oh so high. :rolleyes: On the other hand I am a pretty woman with a lot of pretty women in my friends and family. My niece could have easily become a beautiful actress if she'd gone to hollywood, she definitely has the acting talent and she's absolutely stunning. Though I'm older now, I have been called stunning myself when I was younger. Beautiful women are everywhere, and the idea that they don't exist except with the magic of photoshop and smoke and mirrors is offensive and simply wrong and stupid. That's just my opinion.


Stupid? I have high standards that much is true but I think you've misinterpreted what I've posted:


Also on the supermodel thing, it is a matter of taste but if you think that ladies on magazine covers really look that good without some help from photoshop you are wrong. Most movie stars need the right make up and lighting to look anything like they do on film. I can only think of a few who look good in unfavourable conditions and these are the truly beautiful women.


The important part in this post is "that good" (like a movie star or super model) as opposed to being pretty in a natural sort of way. I was reacting on the subject of "super" models as opposed to real women. TV and the media force upon us a sanitized and stereotyped representation of beauty (which is probably why so many women feel the need to undergo plastic surgery unfortunately).


Also I wouldn't say that the oscar ceremony is shot with unfavourable lighting. Watch an interview or a making off with ordinary/natural light and not necessarily the right angle and many actresses won't look so amazingly beautiful (and some may look rather plain). That implies that many "regular" women would look as good as most movie stars or models with the right light and make up.


That being said it is utterly naive to think that photoshop is not routinely used on pictures found in magazines, ads and the like.


IMO a truly beautiful woman doesn't need make up and "smoke and mirrors" to look gorgeous. Heck a truly beautiful woman will be stunning early in the morning without any make up and in a disheveled state.

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