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Guys who play girl characters


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To get a boner. Simple. Problem?



I always suspected as much :D I have also suspected that in some cases, it's free porn, especially with some of the Oblivion mods out there. And yes, in some cases there are people who replace flesh and blood human beings with 2d images of all sorts, including in games. Real relationships with real humans can be scary even when you're a typical human being, even moreso when issues arise.


As for me, it depends on my mood. I play both genders. It just depends. When I play WoW, I tend to avoid playing Humans altogether: the males are unattractive, and the females have annoying laugh/dance emote/jokes. I play other race/gender combos depending on my mood.


The issue keeps coming up because people are curious. It's like any other topic: move along if it bothers you.

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ah, what about guys playing Male characters??

that worries me a bit more, it's total against natural aspects.

why will a guy, like to watch a mans ass, all day all night?


I alwas pick the chick in all my games if their are no Females i don't play them (Two Worlds II) i consider them incomplete.

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I hardly ever play females in sword fighting games, and rarely in others...


It just looks bizzare to see some tiny calander model woman swining about a huge sword and cutting up orks... when someone of her stature couldn't even lift the fecking sword in reality- I tend to try and re-create a cooler version of myself, who's more athletic (or he wouldn't be picking up a sword either!)


It's why I don't like J/K RPG's


Everyone a 12yr old girl, unless they are either old or evil. (or both).

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This post reminds me of what happens when I play an online game, Guild Wars. As a female playing a female character, I am constantly being asked if I'm really a guy. I am challenged and told that I am really a guy just pretending to be a girl. This happens to me a lot and it's quite common.

As a girl playing a male character, I've never had that kind of questioning...nobody even really seems to care one way or the other. Nobody asked me if I were really a girl playing a guy character. Never. Nobody's ever asked. Kind of strange.


I get the impression that guys playing as female characters is somewhat a norm.

Online games have a special place in the continuum as far as gender played goes. There is an old internet proverb, that still holds true in many gaming and chatroom circles, which has been around almost as long as the net itself (and far longer than MMOs): "The internet - where the Men are Boys, the Women are Men, and the 12 year olds are FBI Agents." I will definitely agree with statements elsewhere that the female gaming population has exploded upwards since MMOs like Everquest and WoW hit the scene. The main group of people I used to play with across several games and most of the past 8 years (til RL struck and we all went our own ways, though we still have some contact) consisted of about 60% RL females. About the only real effect it had was occasional harassment by some guys who found out some of our folks were really women, which got shut down really damn fast by our "big brothers and sisters", though most could take care of themselves without needing help. That and some of us did develop relationships beyond the game itself, to varying degrees of success, but that's a story for another thread.

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I hardly ever play females in sword fighting games, and rarely in others...


It just looks bizzare to see some tiny calander model woman swining about a huge sword and cutting up orks... when someone of her stature couldn't even lift the fecking sword in reality- I tend to try and re-create a cooler version of myself, who's more athletic (or he wouldn't be picking up a sword either!)


It's why I don't like J/K RPG's


Everyone a 12yr old girl, unless they are either old or evil. (or both).


oh, right like it's total logical you can survive a blow from a gaint holding a shield? (around 5000 Newton hit)

what a nonsens, logic, should be removed in a Fantasy world

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ah, what about guys playing Male characters??

that worries me a bit more, it's total against natural aspects.

why will a guy, like to watch a mans ass, all day all night?


I alwas pick the chick in all my games if their are no Females i don't play them (Two Worlds II) i consider them incomplete.


1. Some of us play in first person.


2. When some of us play in third person, the guy's ass is not even a thought in our mind, if any one else plays like I do, they're looking at the crosshair.


3. Asking something like that, just blatantly throwing out the implication that the rest of us are gay for not playing as a chick implies you're insecure with your own sexuality.

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ah, what about guys playing Male characters??

that worries me a bit more, it's total against natural aspects.

why will a guy, like to watch a mans ass, all day all night?


I alwas pick the chick in all my games if their are no Females i don't play them (Two Worlds II) i consider them incomplete.


1. Some of us play in first person.


2. When some of us play in third person, the guy's ass is not even a thought in our mind, if any one else plays like I do, they're looking at the crosshair.


3. Asking something like that, just blatantly throwing out the implication that the rest of us are gay for not playing as a chick implies you're insecure with your own sexuality.


hmm, ain't you people not doing the same thing?, feels crap is it not?.

see why this sort topic's should die off, some like playing Female others Male., but it's always the Male type player asking this exact question.

with leave's me to the conclusion they have a ethic sexual conflict. (the people that ask this question)

Edited by abisha
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While I like to play both. Most of the time I play a chick, I guess the real reasoning behind it is whats effectively known as Lara Croft vs Conan syndrome.


Basically its like this if you're a guy and you play this game in third person for vast amounts of hours then you'd rather look at some skimpy clad hot chick, preferably in tight leather clothing armed to the teeth, than stare at a male muscular moron pumped up on steroid juice running around Skyrim in his sweaty loincloth.


This is just my theory however. lol.

Edited by darthsloth74
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