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Guys who play girl characters


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is this still going on? well in that case let me put in some more, probably pointless arguments again.


I never get those "in character" types. I mean, dont get me wrong, i do admire them because they seem to get the most immersity out of a game but for me they are a mystery.


Does that even work in every game? I mean when you play Mario do you think you are a italian plumber in a Land full of walking turtles? and what about some indy games say Solar for example. Do you think you are a Asteroid that becomes a sun? Its kinda hard to imagine that..for me at least. Unfortunately, as you may noticed, I lack that talent. I never get immersed enough in a game to think I am actually the "Dragonborn". Maybe thats because I am a cynical realist type person who knows that these are just small points on a screen that get illuminated by electricity.


So from that point of view, it doesnt really matter as what i play. My Character could be a Pizza with anchovies for all I care. I merely enjoy the artistic creations of Game designers. I wonder at their talents to create colorful or realistic or fantastic worlds. In Skyrim, I am especially amazed what they did with the mountains and the Water.


Back to the point. Female Body has a certain visual delight for me. I enjoy their beauty in various forms. Oblivion especially with mods had a great many of exactly this variety and it was pretty much a no brainer for me. I even used a mod that changed every Character in the game to females and changed their clothing as I saw fit. I didnt do that because I want to be a woman and I want everybody else to be women (hmm thats a wish for the fairy...except the first part) but merely for artistic purposes.


You may call me "voyeur" and yes I am one. As much as somebody standing before and gazing upon Mona Lisa or the Eiffel Tower.

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I customizes my characters based on my gut feeling. Both male and female.


I'm a closet transgendered person that would love nothing more than to be a hot fantasy-type woman with a set of really huge....swords. There, is that the answer these topics are always fishing for?


For a serious answer, I play both. It depends on the goal I am setting at character creation. I do tend to select female more often and I think it is because they tend to have more effort put into the models and clothing than males. This Doesn't seem to be the case in Skyrim, but it's demonstrably true in quite a few other games.


Pretty much, the developers and modders tend to focus most of there energy on female characters, PC, and NPCs.


I play whichever suits the character. My first character was a male imperial warrior, purely because heavy armor imho looks better on males. Now, I'm playing a female nord thief/assassin because when I think of a thief character such as the one I'm playing as, I always think of Catherine Zeta-Jones in that one movie with Sean Connery. (Ok ok, I only remember the scene with her arse :tongue: )


The movie is Entrapment

Edited by Starch
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Plain and simple...I like redheads! I think they are hot...therefore I always create a female character as a redhead if possible. In Skyrim it is currently a Wood Elf...basically any game that allows a character gen then that is what I do.


Every time I go around to my mates place and talking about games...and I say "hmmmm...you've finished it already?...jeez I just can't get into it and I'm just about to give up". His standard response is "That's becos you are playing a female half elf....aye"...always gives me a hard time about it :facepalm:


Having said that tho...he always plays a dwarf where possible...he says he can't be bothered pussyfooting around and wants to get right into the thick of things....meh. :tongue:

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Ah, more to add...


I wrote this for Guild Wars Guru ages ago... http://www.guildwarsguru.com/content/it-s-a-guy-thing-id2246.php when I still had the time to write columns and articles...


reposted for your entertainment!


Its a guy thing…



Well, that is what most people think about gaming in general. A guy thing. Odd though that there are a lot of females walking around in the gaming world. Everywhere you look there are girly characters hacking about. When you count the ratio of males versus females gaming, you will probably come in at one to ten or worse in most MMO's, yet at the same time actual girl characters are more like 50-60% of the populace. I cannot blame them for it, as my favorite gaming character of all times is called "Shalla Quickblade" , closely followed by Moxy, Doxy, Foxy, Loxy, Roxy and Grit, all four feet high and a most excellent party for Icenwind Dale, half of them female. I am a guy, and I like to play girls. So do a lot of other guys. So what is our obsession with female characters? Is it simply the shape we find appealing, or do we sit oogling them from behind our keyboards (that's what a lot of people seem to think about gamers still, especially when it comes to Tomb Raider and the illicitly hacked Nude Raider) whilst playing games? We all know the latter is not true, regardless of what people think or may claim of gamers, we are a very nice and social bunch of escapists. None of us consider a female representation in a game to be anywhere near a substitute for our wife, girlfriend or women in general (although the wives and girlfriends out there may kick me for this, it is true). The computer might take up more time than they want, but it has nothing to do with the fact we are looking at some shapely curves. And boy, those curves are shapely. The more technology progresses, the more shapely the curves get, lifelike and amazing.




What is our fascination with girlie characters then? In a game like Diablo II where gender choice is decided by character choice (the Assassin, the Amazone and the Sorceress are all girls) it has little to do with what we want as our representation, and more with the fact we want character A or B. But in Guild Wars one gets to choose whether to be male or female, and that choice is not limited by anything. To make matters worse, a lot of games offer the opportunity to model your character to your needs and desires. Oblivion gives you complete freedom over the face, the hair, and the age of the character, allowing for extreme customization. No two characters ever look the same. I spend quite some time modeling my girl until she looked exactly as I wanted her to look. It is a face you get to look at quite often (Every time you open the inventory, for example). Why did I pick a female? Well, I thought the model looked great. All of them, actually… I even had my wife make me a model. I buy new dresses for her when I have the money. I have a whole collection of cloaks, different pairs of shoes and hats, trousers and other stuff. And this is rather stupid, to boot, because she runs around in chainmail most of the time. Rarely do I go out dressed like a true vamp, when adventuring I wear armor and a sword. Swords do not go with velvet dresses, let me tell you. I got extremely annoyed when I realized that wearing a cape made my nice, freshly bought 150 gp necklace vanish. If I buy a necklace that makes me look pretty, I want to see it on my character. Same goes for a ruby-gold ring… I want to be able to see it. Didn't just spend 800 GP for nothing now did I? I customized her to look pretty… after all, what is prettier than a nice, young lady with a big fat sword in her hands chopping monsters to bits? Lious Royo knows…. Well, my lady is not very fashionable at times, as I sometimes ran around in a nice green dress whilst still wearing my Mithril Chain Boots. Another fashion failure. But does that mean I am giving into my womanly side? I merely enjoy roleplaying, and if I pick a female character, I want to play that female character. My Orc Berserker would never be caught, dead or alive (well, dead, alive most certainly not) in velvet pants. Steel armor plates or nothing at all please!




Our avatars, (used here in the broadest sense of the word, so not your picture on the forum, but also your characters in Guildwars for example) for that is what they are, mere representations of us, on the internet might or might not resemble our personalities. A small female dressed in plate armor looks pretty daunting, because you don't know what it might have up its sleeves. A big female dressed in plate mail looks like a brutish thug. We can also create these images with male characters, and a lot of us do just that. Some say they simply do not like the male models in a game. Thing is, womanly shapes appeal to the man's eye, and thus we like to use womanly shapes. It has little to do with actual transgender interests or sexual appetite. Roleplaying, yes, but most of it is sheer enjoyment in some of the finest graphical marvels made by designers over the world. After all, what is a pretty curve meant for but to look at?




Many thanks to SnipiousMax for an excellent suggestion. See you at the next installment!








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I'v been wondering this myself and it nice to see a variety of answers other then 'she gives me a boner' its good to see some real Roleplayers here.



My gender is male, I relate to men, and I only play as male in games. Yes if the main char is female I don't even buy the game no mather how good it is ; its going to bore me.


I find it far stranger when people play what they find 'atractive' but then again its none of my buisnes. I'm aromantic asexual, I'm not attracted to men or woman, so it confuses me in general. I tried playing as a women in F3 ,that lasted for about 5 minutes.

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I am finding that playing skyrim as a woman gives me a different perspective of the game. When playing as your own gender it feels like you are building your own story, but being slightly detached from the female I feel that I am watching her story develop.

I like to hear the ncps comments about my character being an empowered and strong woman, and I'll be interested to see the differences on a playthrough as a man in regards to lines from npcs and the amount of female warrior npcs.

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I'v been wondering this myself and it nice to see a variety of answers other then 'she gives me a boner' its good to see some real Roleplayers here.



My gender is male, I relate to men, and I only play as male in games. Yes if the main char is female I don't even buy the game no mather how good it is ; its going to bore me.


I find it far stranger when people play what they find 'atractive' but then again its none of my buisnes. I'm aromantic asexual, I'm not attracted to men or woman, so it confuses me in general. I tried playing as a women in F3 ,that lasted for about 5 minutes.


Really? So you never get aroused? Ever?


That sucks... I couldn't imagine...

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