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Guys who play girl characters


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I don't identify myself with my female characters, I don't identify myself with any male characters either, I just see them as kind of a movie character that I'm watching


And that could be another reason why we like to play different gender/sex. When I play Skyrim i consider my character to be me, he is my avatar in Nirn/Tamriel/Skyrim. I am the hero.


So there we go, now we each understand where the other is coming from, you feel that you are your character when you play, and I don't, I just feel like I'm watching my character play.


That explains why your couldn't understand how or why I could play a female character.



Also read your edits. :thumbsup:

Well it all makes sense now. I thought it works the same for all of us, hence the misunderstanding.


One thing i still cant understand though: Why would anyone want their girl to run around like a hooker (referring to mods)?

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Well it all makes sense now. I thought it works the same for all of us, hence the misunderstanding.


One thing i still cant understand though: Why would anyone want their girl to run around like a hooker (referring to mods)?


No idea, I stay away from that stuff in my games, the only time I went anywhere near sex in my games was in The Witcher and Gothic 2, both games of which you can only play a Male Character.

(and I think I had to visit a prostitute in Gothic 2, just to advance in a quest, I don't really remember.)

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I wrote something earlier in response to this. I believe it was something along the lines of, "Mmmm. Bum."


Now I realize that I choose my character's gender based on the type of "class" they are going to play. I've always chosen a female character for a stealthy role. It must be all that Tenchu I played in middle school.


That being said, however, I always start out with a male character when I play a game for the first time.


...that, and my male Dunmer wearing skirted leather armor looked rather strange...

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In Skyrim and other computer games that bill themselves as a single player rpg, I see myself more as the puppet master than taking on the role of the avatar. It's not like a table top rpg or even an online game where one can really act and talk the part of the character of their choice.
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In Skyrim and other computer games that bill themselves as a single player rpg, I see myself more as the puppet master than taking on the role of the avatar. It's not like a table top rpg or even an online game where one can really act and talk the part of the character of their choice.


I see myself as kind of a storyteller to myself. I always keep asking myself, would she do it? Yes, as opposed to my old pen and paper days, I usually play female characters. I'm not sure why, but maybe because the warrior types never interested me. My characters always turn out to be stealthy or magical.


In Skyrim's case its almost always the stealthy type, since the magical system in Elder Scroll games never appealed to me.

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I loved playing females in oblivion,and toward the end, thats all i did......with desu chans mods and the godess store.....it was dress up/tits.....with magic.


I 'feel' skyrim so far to be a male game.....dont ask me to elaborate, i cant.

My current char is a breton with a scar and blineded eye,not attractive, beefcake...can swing an axe.....simple, but i have grown very attached to him.


I cant see anything beyond sexy dressup/looking at tits....when it really boils down to it with guys playing females.

And the stream of 'adult themed' mods chugging out of the community at a rapid rate will see skyrim continue in ob's footsteps.


But please,if im wrong, enlighten me........

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I cant see anything beyond sexy dressup/looking at tits....when it really boils down to it with guys playing females.


If that's how you play a female character, then that's your business, but don't lump all of us guys who play female characters into the same group.

But he seems to be right about a lot of people. Just look at TES Nexus and tell me how many adult and sexy female mods are in the top 100...i bet its about 75%.

Edited by Kyuubi no Youko
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I'm a girl who plays as a guy character. Not exactly what you're asking about, but still.


I don't know. All of my favorite characters from books and stories tend to be guys, and I model characters after whomever I like. And the female sounds (getting hit, power attacks, etc) sound horrible in Elder Scrolls games.


Or maybe I just like playing as my own fantasies. :P But I'm really not into all of those 'beautification' mods or what have it. I don't want to stare at a video game character's junk.

Edited by dianacat777
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I as others tend to choose a female for certain classes, if I'm a thief/assassin/mage those chars will be female. Archers/heavy armor type I'll go male. My first character whom I still play is male, he's joining every guild available as he is my first char. The others I plan to RP a bit with.
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