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Guys who play girl characters


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Had the devs been more realistic in including a buff stat for males over females and even one for the size slider, I'd rethink my choice.


Nope. If anything it would make things more challenging.


The more I think about it, the more I come to another conclusion. I'm simply tired of the usual action stereotypes. I grew up watching apelike action creatures single handedly erasing whole armies on screen. Chicks were only good for screams and to take refuge in well oiled muscled arms. I might just try to erase that kind of memory once and for all.


Well, I didn't say what my choice would then be; only that I'd rethink it given the difference options. The devs would then also probably balance it with lesser other abilities to counter the buff stat, maybe a penalty for leveling or something like increased skills in other areas for the less buff. Or, it could just be a way of changing the difficulty without having a global difficulty setting.

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I play female because of the Name of my Character, it stayed the same for over 7 years now and i didnt come up with a male one who is also that cool.


Oh, and it seems that 90% of the Mods are for Female Characters, so thats also a big plus :biggrin:

Edited by Imiona
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Oh, and it seems that 90% of the Mods are for Female Characters, so thats also a big plus :biggrin:


That's like the chicken and the egg question, are there more female mod because more guys play chicks or do more guys play chicks because there are more female mods?


There are more female mods because there is a bigger demand for them.


1. More Guys play chicks

2. Demand for more female mods created.



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Oh, and it seems that 90% of the Mods are for Female Characters, so thats also a big plus :biggrin:


That's like the chicken and the egg question, are there more female mod because more guys play chicks or do more guys play chicks because there are more female mods?


There are more female mods because there is a bigger demand for them.


1. More Guys play chicks

2. Demand for more female mods created.




"That's the joke"


I see that argument as..


1 Guys play chicks

2 Mod for females are made

3 More Guys play chicks

4 More mods for females are made

5 Repeat in a downward spiral into sluttieness.

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It's funny how when a mod introduces an armour that is for male characters only you see countless requests for a female version.


Personally I like variety but I haven't been able to play a female character in Skyrim because I can't get the right look. I've even tried some save games and several different mods but the female characters always look like they're either 15 or 50. I'd like my female character to look like a believable female which means that she shouldn't look like she is going down the catwalk or that she is standing in for one of the three witches in Macbeth. When I'm playing these games I can spend hours obsessing about the way my new character is going to look like. It may sound ridiculous but I can't relax and appreciate the game unless I get the look right for the concept I'm planning to develop.


I don't see anything wrong with roleplaying a character of the opposite gender. After all we're all humans and that never prevented most of us to roleplay elves or dwarves and (hopefully) we know a lot more about human females than we do about male elves or male dwarves (and I'm not even mentioning Khajits and Argonians here).

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It's funny how when a mod introduces an armour that is for male characters only you see countless requests for a female version.


Personally I like variety but I haven't been able to play a female character in Skyrim because I can't get the right look. I've even tried some save games and several different mods but the female characters always look like they're either 15 or 50. I'd like my female character to look like a believable female which means that she shouldn't look like she is going down the catwalk or that she is standing in for one of the three witches in Macbeth. When I'm playing these games I can spend hours obsessing about the way my new character is going to look like. It may sound ridiculous but I can't relax and appreciate the game unless I get the look right for the concept I'm planning to develop.


I don't see anything wrong with roleplaying a character of the opposite gender. After all we're all humans and that never prevented most of us to roleplay elves or dwarves and (hopefully) we know a lot more about human females than we do about male elves or male dwarves (and I'm not even mentioning Khajits and Argonians here).


Hot girls aren't believable nor exist in your world?

I actually think Skyrim should be full of super hot people since they aren't fat, lazy, zombies living in my real world. It's like when you compare wild animals to animals in zoos.

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It's funny how when a mod introduces an armour that is for male characters only you see countless requests for a female version.


Personally I like variety but I haven't been able to play a female character in Skyrim because I can't get the right look. I've even tried some save games and several different mods but the female characters always look like they're either 15 or 50. I'd like my female character to look like a believable female which means that she shouldn't look like she is going down the catwalk or that she is standing in for one of the three witches in Macbeth. When I'm playing these games I can spend hours obsessing about the way my new character is going to look like. It may sound ridiculous but I can't relax and appreciate the game unless I get the look right for the concept I'm planning to develop.


I don't see anything wrong with roleplaying a character of the opposite gender. After all we're all humans and that never prevented most of us to roleplay elves or dwarves and (hopefully) we know a lot more about human females than we do about male elves or male dwarves (and I'm not even mentioning Khajits and Argonians here).


Hot girls aren't believable nor exist in your world?

I actually think Skyrim should be full of super hot people since they aren't fat, lazy, zombies living in my real world. It's like when you compare wild animals to animals in zoos.



There are actually a handful of saves available with 20 something characters. But yeah I don't see why looking like a model or supermodel even, would make a woman any less believable. Those ladies strutting about on TV and magazines are surely not CGI.

Though you certainly have your right of taste =)

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It's all right to play as a Girl when you're a Guy in a singleplayer game, vice versa. After all, I think it would be quite boring remaining in audience to an inbred-looking Nord male for 100 hours straight. If it's an online game however... For singleplayer games, playing as the opposite gender is rather justified but as for the multiplayer modal.... Gay. I've never played as the opposite sex, btw.
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