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Guys who play girl characters


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I play a guy because, well, I'm a guy.


About the only time I ever played a girl as such is when I play a mage or healer type, dresses are for girls, not guys.

Having said that, I rarely play those classes and "classes" as such dont exist in skyrim.

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It's all right to play as a Girl when you're a Guy in a singleplayer game, vice versa. After all, I think it would be quite boring remaining in audience to an inbred-looking Nord male for 100 hours straight. If it's an online game however... For singleplayer games, playing as the opposite gender is rather justified but as for the multiplayer modal.... Gay. I've never played as the opposite sex, btw.



You say gay like there's something wrong with that. lol.

But yeah, when I first started playing online games, people who played opposite genders left me kinda disoriented. I got used to it after awhile, and depending on the game I sometimes use a female model for the same reasons I use em in single player.

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Male characters in skyrim look ridiculous. They move clumsily and make The Arnold in his prime look like a 90 pound weakling.


In Skyrim, the female animations are ridiculous, too. I remember following Delphine to Kynesgrove and growing increasingly dissappointed all the way there.


I switched to playing a female Argonian just to minimize the importance of animations in my own character. Is their movement "lizard-like" in a humanoid way? Who knows? (Khajiit are just the opposite, though. There's definitely nothing feline about their movement at all.)

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It's funny how when a mod introduces an armour that is for male characters only you see countless requests for a female version.


Personally I like variety but I haven't been able to play a female character in Skyrim because I can't get the right look. I've even tried some save games and several different mods but the female characters always look like they're either 15 or 50. I'd like my female character to look like a believable female which means that she shouldn't look like she is going down the catwalk or that she is standing in for one of the three witches in Macbeth. When I'm playing these games I can spend hours obsessing about the way my new character is going to look like. It may sound ridiculous but I can't relax and appreciate the game unless I get the look right for the concept I'm planning to develop.


I don't see anything wrong with roleplaying a character of the opposite gender. After all we're all humans and that never prevented most of us to roleplay elves or dwarves and (hopefully) we know a lot more about human females than we do about male elves or male dwarves (and I'm not even mentioning Khajits and Argonians here).


Hot girls aren't believable nor exist in your world?

I actually think Skyrim should be full of super hot people since they aren't fat, lazy, zombies living in my real world. It's like when you compare wild animals to animals in zoos.



There are actually a handful of saves available with 20 something characters. But yeah I don't see why looking like a model or supermodel even, would make a woman any less believable. Those ladies strutting about on TV and magazines are surely not CGI.

Though you certainly have your right of taste =)


FYI I live in France and over here we have more than our share of pretty ladies but most of them don't walk around waving battleaxes. :biggrin:


It's just that a pretty little thing with gloss and a manicure is not my idea of a fearsome female adventurer... I've been trying to make a character that looked good but not like a painted wench. Think Éowyn not Megan Fox.


Also on the supermodel thing, it is a matter of taste but if you think that ladies on magazine covers really look that good without some help from photoshop you are wrong. Most movie stars need the right make up and lighting to look anything like they do on film. I can only think of a few who look good in unfavourable conditions and these are the truly beautiful women.

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You can only think of two.


You've never watched the Oscars then, I suppose. I always do, and though they do have hair and makeup done, the lighting is generic for all of them.


Your standards sound oh so high. :rolleyes: On the other hand I am a pretty woman with a lot of pretty women in my friends and family. My niece could have easily become a beautiful actress if she'd gone to hollywood, she definitely has the acting talent and she's absolutely stunning. Though I'm older now, I have been called stunning myself when I was younger. Beautiful women are everywhere, and the idea that they don't exist except with the magic of photoshop and smoke and mirrors is offensive and simply wrong and stupid. That's just my opinion.

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It's all right to play as a Girl when you're a Guy in a singleplayer game, vice versa. After all, I think it would be quite boring remaining in audience to an inbred-looking Nord male for 100 hours straight. If it's an online game however... For singleplayer games, playing as the opposite gender is rather justified but as for the multiplayer modal.... Gay. I've never played as the opposite sex, btw.


What makes playing an opposite sex character in a single player game OK for you, but playing an opposite sex character in an MMORPG is "gay" according to you?


I'm having just as much sexual interaction (NONE) in my single player game, as I'm having in an MMORPG. (NONE)


Unless you're calling it "gay" in an MMORPG because you're one of those players that constantly hits on, and tries to cyber with every female character

in the game, and feels dumb when you find out some of them are guys?

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Unless you're calling it "gay" in an MMORPG because you're one of those players that constantly hits on, and tries to cyber with every female character

in the game, and feels dumb when you find out some of them are guys?


I don't know about his age, but I think I know what he means. I never play MMORPG, but back in the day I used to play a lot of pen and paper. Back then I was a wholel ot younger and being called or viewed as gay would have been a real insult. When you're in your early 20ies, there's a lot of peer pressure and you constantly have to prove yourself.


Now I laugh at people thinking that being called gay is an insult. But truth to tell I only overcame my own youthful homophobia by meeting, socialising and having a whole lot of fun with gay people IRL.

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what are you guys afraid of that it takes 34 Pages of explanations, excuses, reasons and rants? Why is this such a "hot" topic? Lets take some scenarios and see what is there to be afraid of:


1. Guy plays Girl because he is Gay - Fear Factor = 0, Truth Factor = very disputable; gayness is not a sickness and its not contagious. A Hetero guy will stay Hetero no matter how much contact he has with gay men, this is a scientific fact that can only be denied if you consider "believing" is superior to "knowing". Besides, why would a gay men, who likes men, play as a woman? wouldn´t he rather be a stunning Nord Hunk?


2. Guy plays Girl because he is a Pervert - Fear Factor = 0, Truth Factor = high; look at the internets, look at what you get, pictures of all kinds of attrocities, sexual practices, vehicle crashes, weird guys and gals etc., the world is full of pervs. I actually doubt, that there is such a thing as "normal" because everybody defines it differently. Lets not forget what the Word "Perversion" means. Wikipedia says: "Perversion is a concept describing those types of human behavior that are a serious deviation from what is considered to be orthodox or normal", what degree would you consider a "serious deviation" from which type of "normalcy"?


3. Guy plays Girl because he wants to be a Woman - Fear Factor = 0, Truth Factor = minimal; there are undoubtly guys who rather want to be a woman from whatever reasons. I doubt however that it is the majority of guys playing girls. Even if, what consequences would that have on us? none! If you happen to know such a guy and heshe looks nice...try it, you may like it :). Happiness and Fun does not lose their value just because you get it from something the church does not approve of. Besides, nobody gets hurt (if you are gentle...).


4. Guy plays Girl because he likes Woman anatomy - Fear Factor = -1, Truth Factor = high; this would be my Category. I play Skyrim almost always from 3rd Person and have my Character always in my sight. Most of the Time from behind since the game is that way. If I play a Guy, I have to look at broad Shoulders, mass Muscles and a "ugly" Butt. I prefer, smooth Shoulders, nice curves and a pretty bottom. Do you wanna blame me for that? Yes? think about that the next time you waste a lot of Money to watch a Woman take her Clothes off.


5. Guy plays Girl for a Thief, Assassin, Mage type Character - Fear Factor = -1, Truth Factor = high; woman anatomy is considerably "sleeker" and looks more "fragile" compared to men (at least the men in Skyrim). Thiefs, Assassins or Mages are classes who normally dont last long in a close "infight". They mostly rely on stealth, range or skill to bring down enemies. A woman just fits this role better than a men and so succeeds better to deliver the "feeling".


6. Guy plays Girl because he gives a damn - Fear Factor = MAX, Truth Factor = over 9000; this is the Master of Disaster, the one and only, the ultimate Champion of Gaming. The Guy who does not waste his time discussing trivial Bull in the Forums (obviously I am not that guy..<sigh>). This guy just got it right. He gives a Rats behind what people say. His Boat will take whatever makes it Float and sail to new Shores to new Adventures. You dont want to piss this guy off.


34+ Pages...stop wasting your times and start modding (hopefully) :)

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It's all right to play as a Girl when you're a Guy in a singleplayer game, vice versa. After all, I think it would be quite boring remaining in audience to an inbred-looking Nord male for 100 hours straight. If it's an online game however... For singleplayer games, playing as the opposite gender is rather justified but as for the multiplayer modal.... Gay.

Imagine in MMOs all players would play what they are irl, then two things would happen: You would hardly see female chars and those you do see would get jumped on by every guy around. So in multiplayer games there are even more reasons to play as female.


And in general, I'm a guy who likes playing female chars, the same way I like cute actresses in movies so I like to see my female char ingame. And there is nothing wrong with it and it shows you are definetely not gay ;)

According to my psychology prof its a common phenomenon in role playing games called "gender swapping".


And for your information: I also know irl girls who play male characters (this was in Lineage2 were male darkelves are muscular guys with topless outfits ;) )

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It's a hot topic because people (in general) love to search for and point out what they perceive as flaws in other people to make them feel better about themselves and whatever they feel they're lacking in their own lives.
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