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Guys who play girl characters


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I RP one of these:




And one of these:




Just be glad your not this guy:




:teehee: :tongue: :laugh:


Along with some variation of "who the hell cares" I thought the above post was the most appropriate response to the question posed in this thread.

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I posted before but forgot an important note: I play guys for one more important thing - Heavy Armor.


Gals - unless they Bulky Nords and Orcs, dont look right in Heavy armor unless they in a command position, I like being a tank in armor and its usually realistic Armor. No shiney, clean stuff for me, battle-worn and dented and faded for me in most circumstances..


Another reason I tend to avoid downloading female gear and items is there sheer amount of the gear available would not be healthy to those with internet bandwidth.


Think about it... those with limited internet each month/week or what ever, a typical female skimpy armor that is high in texture size is bound to be atleast 60mbs ago of individual mds, sometimes there is a slight error in the texture the author or another user has pointed out and you may have to download the mod again in an *update*


Things like that tend to put me off... and there is abig ass spider on my window as I type this... its winking at me..

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The best explanation I have heard is "how" you play the game and it also overlaps with people who use first person or third person views. Do you play yourself in the game and do you make decisions based on your own logic and reasoning or do you play the character? If you are just pushing a character around like a chess piece then it is much easier to play in third person and play as another race or the opposite gender. I don't have an issue with this as I love games like Mass Effect or The Witcher where the protaganist is already fleshed out for your. However games that allow you to create your character from scratch are much rarer so when that happens I take full advantage of it. Virtually all my TES characters are human with the possible exception of my Orc barbarians who just happen to be the most fun to play. All of them are male as I tried to make a couple of female characters to see what the fuss was about and I just couldn't get the appeal.


Another thing that motivates people might be the "realism" factor. I am sorry but skinny little models with huge boobs wearing bikini armors and dual wielding war hammers that are bigger than a basketballs just annoys the history buff in me and of course sends my "realism" detectors into overload.


That being said I love playing females in MMOs when I do play them from time to time. You wouldn't believe the amount of high level gear and hard to get crafting materials you can get just by giggling and typing /dance in the console. :D Lots of horny people on those games.

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I play as both male and female characters. It partly depends on aesthetics and visuals of the game I am playing as sometimes certain races and genders just look plain bad. I also tend to have a mindset for my characters when I make them and some times it is a rugged male soldier of fortune, back woods hunter, etc. and other times it is a pretty young woman turned vengeful assassin or sorceress. I don't full blown role play my characters but I still have a general theme and sometimes that theme involves the character being female. I am also a big time lore and immersion tard so my characters look the part for the game they are in (dirt, scars, knappy hair, etc.) I do make my characters somewhat "pretty" or "handsome" but I don't doll them up with modern cosmetics, hair, and clothing. For example I have a Female Nord Ranger type character and I do have mods and some "slider fu" that makes her easy on the eyes but she has no make up, scar on her face, plain hair in a practical ponytail, and is in full practical leather armor and mail. She is beautiful by medieval harsh life standards not 2012 downtown LA I work at Starbucks and just had a boob job standards.


I think the topic though was more aimed at the people with supermodel like characters and play exclusively them. To each there own I say. However if I were to analyze it from my point of view I would say they are mostly female players and they see the game as more of an artistic expression. They find the female figure more appealing in its form as most of us do regardless of gender or sexual orientation and I don't want to say dress up per say as that sounds insulting but they get their "fun" (<--- vague abstract word I hate using) from expressing creativity upon a virtual avatar. I am sure some people are just drooling creeps but it is unjust to throw people in that camp unless you really know them.

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Male or female, I'm indifferent.

I've got a couple of saves with females and a couple with males.


OP asks what's the motivation, as if it is odd to choose female if one is male. I suppose he likes to imagine himself as his character? Self-insertion ain't my style, although I know that it is for some saps. =p




That being said I love playing females in MMOs when I do play them from time to time. You wouldn't believe the amount of high level gear and hard to get crafting materials you can get just by giggling and typing /dance in the console. :D Lots of horny people on those games.

Horny? More like lonely.

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I play as both male and female characters. It partly depends on aesthetics and visuals of the game I am playing as sometimes certain races and genders just look plain bad. I also tend to have a mindset for my characters when I make them and some times it is a rugged male soldier of fortune, back woods hunter, etc. and other times it is a pretty young woman turned vengeful assassin or sorceress. I don't full blown role play my characters but I still have a general theme and sometimes that theme involves the character being female. I am also a big time lore and immersion tard so my characters look the part for the game they are in (dirt, scars, knappy hair, etc.) I do make my characters somewhat "pretty" or "handsome" but I don't doll them up with modern cosmetics, hair, and clothing. For example I have a Female Nord Ranger type character and I do have mods and some "slider fu" that makes her easy on the eyes but she has no make up, scar on her face, plain hair in a practical ponytail, and is in full practical leather armor and mail. She is beautiful by medieval harsh life standards not 2012 downtown LA I work at Starbucks and just had a boob job standards.


I think the topic though was more aimed at the people with supermodel like characters and play exclusively them. To each there own I say. However if I were to analyze it from my point of view I would say they are mostly female players and they see the game as more of an artistic expression. They find the female figure more appealing in its form as most of us do regardless of gender or sexual orientation and I don't want to say dress up per say as that sounds insulting but they get their "fun" (<--- vague abstract word I hate using) from expressing creativity upon a virtual avatar. I am sure some people are just drooling creeps but it is unjust to throw people in that camp unless you really know them.


I wouldn't say that myself....as a woman I find the male body much more beautiful and attractive than the female body...thus why I guess I am physically attracted to men, not women.... :tongue: ...I play a male Dovahkin for two reasons, yup, I like looking at him (am a third person player, I have never been able to play in first person, I find it very disorientating)...and I like the whole big strong hero kinda deal.


And I disagree with above poster Nathanj, just because I as a female play a male and in third person doesn't make me less inclined to RP....He has a detailed back story, as distinctive a personality as the dialogs,etc...allow, a firm moral code...he eats twice a day, drinks regularly (I use a mod that offers more than just alcohol), he sleeps reasonable hours every night, bathes, never fast travels, doesn't swig a potion mid sword swing....and this is all done without mods enforcing it....I'm RP'ing him.

Edited by StayFrosty05
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I play as both male and female characters. It partly depends on aesthetics and visuals of the game I am playing as sometimes certain races and genders just look plain bad. I also tend to have a mindset for my characters when I make them and some times it is a rugged male soldier of fortune, back woods hunter, etc. and other times it is a pretty young woman turned vengeful assassin or sorceress. I don't full blown role play my characters but I still have a general theme and sometimes that theme involves the character being female. I am also a big time lore and immersion tard so my characters look the part for the game they are in (dirt, scars, knappy hair, etc.) I do make my characters somewhat "pretty" or "handsome" but I don't doll them up with modern cosmetics, hair, and clothing. For example I have a Female Nord Ranger type character and I do have mods and some "slider fu" that makes her easy on the eyes but she has no make up, scar on her face, plain hair in a practical ponytail, and is in full practical leather armor and mail. She is beautiful by medieval harsh life standards not 2012 downtown LA I work at Starbucks and just had a boob job standards.


I think the topic though was more aimed at the people with supermodel like characters and play exclusively them. To each there own I say. However if I were to analyze it from my point of view I would say they are mostly female players and they see the game as more of an artistic expression. They find the female figure more appealing in its form as most of us do regardless of gender or sexual orientation and I don't want to say dress up per say as that sounds insulting but they get their "fun" (<--- vague abstract word I hate using) from expressing creativity upon a virtual avatar. I am sure some people are just drooling creeps but it is unjust to throw people in that camp unless you really know them.


I wouldn't say that myself....as a woman I find the male body much more beautiful and attractive than the female body...thus why I guess I am physically attracted to men, not women.... :tongue: ...I play a male Dovahkin for two reasons, yup, I like looking at him (am a third person player, I have never been able to play in first person, I find it very disorientating)...and I like the whole big strong hero kinda deal.


And I disagree with above poster Nathanj, just because I as a female play a male and in third person doesn't make me less inclined to RP....He has a detailed back story, as distinctive a personality as the dialogs,etc...allow, a firm moral code...he eats twice a day, drinks regularly (I use a mod that offers more than just alcohol), he sleeps reasonable hours every night, bathes, never fast travels, doesn't swig a potion mid sword swing....and this is all done without mods enforcing it....I'm RP'ing him.


Fair enough point. I also do the sleep and never fast travel thing as instantly warping about and going weeks on end without sleeping takes me out of the immersion unless of course I am playing a character that is a Wormhole Wizard with a severe crystal meth addiction.


You do support my main point that people can play both genders as a rich and fulfilling experience. As for the people who have a character all dolled up in covergirl make up to levels of absurdity and seem to do nothing but pose for screenshots they then photoshop them to hell and back? I think that is a outlet for creativity for them and whether anyone of us agrees with it or understands it is irrelevant as it is their thing and they are entitled to do it. The other group that gets flak here are the people that "sex" their game up as I really have no other word for a tiny plastic looking Asian girl in a ball gag prostituting themselves out to frost trolls. I can honestly say I don't have the same sympathy for those people like I do the "screenshotters" and I do find it creepy but like I said, to each their own... I just won't shake their hand unless they wash it first.

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