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Guys who play girl characters


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I hate creepy MMo players. I guess it may not matter to many, but If I encounter a player in an MMO that I know is a male and is playing a scantily clad female toon i sort of get this morality complex in my head. I don't understand the reasons behind their choice, but it is slightly awkward to address them if needed. For me, If I preferred to look at the female form for hours, I would just go watch some abundant porn or maybe consider getting an actual female. I feel playing the genderbender style sort of takes away from one of the key concepts of RPGs - the R(ole)P(laying)G aspect. Playing a 110lb Redguard chick wearing a leather corset that makes lewd moans when in combat just isn't all that immersive for me, I kinda feel like a creeper.


Ugh. I can't stand that sort of thing. I tried playing the MMO Forsaken World, but stopped ten minutes in when my badass warrior chick squeaked like a five year old on helium when hit in battle. Um, NO. What is with some MMOs cutesy-fying strong female characters? Attractive, beautiful, sexy, fine. But please don't make my toon sound like a child, unless she's a member of a child-like race (this was a Human I was playing). I would fully expect an Elin from Tera being squeaky, not my tall, athletic human female warrior!

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Just thought I'd toss in my reason, for the heck of it. A long time ago, I started playing EQ (sometime in 97 I think), alone, without any friends etc. I didn't have much info so I decided to test characters - starting with a male warrior. While I was having a heck of a fight with Fippy near the Qeynos gates, a female monk jumped in and kicked his butt. It looked awesome. I had seen many male monks, but I wasn't impressed. Dannica was her name, and she inspired me to log off and make a female monk. She taught me the way of the monk for a good 15-20 levels before she never logged in again. I was sad, but I carried on, and eventually was one of the most recognizable monks on the server, via my hot pink hotpants, my reputation as being helpful, knowledgable, and a dude playing a girl char. No one really cared and I was never really harassed about it.


Since then, I've carried the name to WoW, and any other game that gives me the option to be female/input a name. I don't really roleplay a character I guess, I roleplay a name.

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I am starting to see a division within this thread between players who create characters as that, characters. Something completely abstract and separate from themselves.


Then you get weirdos like me, who try to make their characters mimic themselves as closely as possible to feel more realistically connected in the given game.

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Guys who play girl characters : Well why do you think? Something good to look at hmmm Yeeees Maam.


Sometimes i totally forget to play the game when me and Vilja are going swimming " Stark naked " while my 5 other companions cherfully watching Kinky kinky. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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In a game like Skyrim that doesn't really establish a player character, I try to build my own characters, makes playing more interesting.


Maybe a war-weary mercenary, skilled in combat but only fighting the battles he is forced into, or the sneak thief who ghosts through the shadows, picks every pocket, steals every treasure and flees if she is spotted. The assassin who brings silent death with a dagger or bow. Most fear the darkness conceals vampires, the vampires fear the darkness conceals her. The son of a general, out to prove himself in combat. (Those characters were used for main questline, Thieve's Guild, Dark Brotherhood and Imperial playthrough's respectively, about 200 hours between them)


None of them are me.


And although I'm a straight guy and have no objection to nudity, it doesn't fit to have those characters prancing around naked (or wearing revealing but impractical clothing/'armor').


This game isn't a substitute for a girlfriend (and a poor substitute for porn ;)) so I'm sorry for anyone using it as such.

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Thats what makes this game so flexible, And let me make it clear that its not a substitute for porn"", Porn is boring and repetitive. Ive adventurted over 80 hours in skyrim with a lot of immersion mods installed and i

love every bit of it.


we cant all agree to the same thing,But from my POV if youre already a guy why play like a guy?? I mean when you can be a beautiful,elegant and sexy woman that kicks ass at the same time :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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holy macaroni is this still on? :)


come on guys how unsure of your sexuality are you that it takes 72 pages discussion for something so trivial.


This is a game for christ sake, games allow you to do things you would not be able to in reality and I am not just talking about killing or other extreme actions. Games will allow you to drive those hyper expensive cars you may never be able to afford, games will allow you to build that super duper castle most of us probably will never be able to built in real life, games will crown millions of us kings while the chances for this in real life are near non existent.


So please stop wasting your time on this pointless discussion (unless you enjoy pointless discussions of course ;) ) and go create yourself a "balloneey" proportioned amazon or a "Honky donky Hunk" Barbarian and enjoy the bejesus out of it. Many of you guys are studying or working hard to make a living...you earned yourself that much.


Have fun!

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  • 2 months later...

I did that in Saints Row 3, but got to the point where I played online and met a female char. I saw how she was dressed, bra and panties and high heeled boots. And then I saw the name, it was something like; Wulfbjarn.


No woman on this earth would choose that name, so I logged off and ever since it feels weird to play as a female character(in Saints Row), even though she was quite cool.


In, Skyrim, its fine. For some reason.

Edited by Niborino9409
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When you discover that the nylon stockings in Skyrim never get runs in them even when there is clipping, why would you ever want to play a male character?


When my female character gets PMS, instead of opening console and typing "PCB", she goes to a dungeon and kills everybody, including unlucky followers. ;)

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When my female character gets PMS, instead of opening console and typing "PCB", she goes to a dungeon and kills everybody, including unlucky followers. ;)


Could be because I´m tired or you´re a genius, but either way, you get a kudos for that! :biggrin:

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