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Game Crash. In the South East Corner.

zac dorkus

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Had this problem for a while now. Whenever I go near the town for the greybeard quest, or even anywhere in the south east corner of the map, my game simply shuts down like someone has pressed Alt+F4. I've tried Disabling AA, verifying the game cache on steam, updated my graphics card drivers and tried the 16-bit, 44.1Khz sound thing. I even created a new account and it still crashes in the South East corner of the map. The only thing I haven't tried yet is re-installing the game. Anyone got any ideas?
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Interesting. I am having a similar problem trying to explore a cave in the Pale Region...can't think of the name of the cave at the moment, but when I get in and get around the first corner, everything crashes. I tried many times and said the heck with it. Only thing I can figure is it is a bad file. I'm not going to reload just because of it, but it is annoying. oh well....
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