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after my 80th save, loading takes 3 times longer.


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Well, before I used to barely read what some of the loading screen said because it loaded so fast... but now it feels like I have enough time to read the entire text AND sit there waiting for the game to load... I don't know why this is happening, can someone tell me what is going on?



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Probably a silly answer, but why don't you just delete some of those save points? I have 4, plus the autosave that's created just before your make your character. Two of them are old manual saves which I'll probably delete next time I start the game up, another one's a quick save, and the last one's an autosave. I've got a backup of my Saves folder just in case they become corrupt. Other than that I don't see the need for more than 2 or 3 saves...
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It's called 'Save Game Bloat', the longer you play the more stuff you've done, collected, destroyed etc. has to be accounted for in your save game thus the saves get huge and take longer to load. There are many ways to compensate for this in the game's mechanics but Beth didn't bother to include them...yet. Beth did say that the problem is being addressed and should be included in the soon-to-be-released PC patch. In the meantime one thing I've found that appears to help somewhat is to limit my saves to only 20 slots by over-writing my oldest saves with my newest saves. Not a cure-all and meanwhile I've been learning new things from the load screens anyway!
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