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Arrow In the Knee


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I lovre the fact every guard is like the same guy who had an accident in a pile of radioactive goo and split himself like an ameba, they all got kneecapped, all know i'm apart of the dark brotherhood, all think their dragonborn... then turn to you and go omg your the dragonborn.


That or their all twins from the same mother and are all extreemly psycicly linked.


I propose a mod to add the mother of these guards, she'll stand 10 feet tall and her stomach 10 feet across, and the only thing she'll say is "My children are guards you know... so F*#@ off."...

Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny?

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This thread made me lol. I thought it would get buried not end up with three pages. xD


ANOTHER thing that is screwy is... theres more guards than there are houses, where do they live? Do they pile up in some shed somewhere? DO they even sleep?! You never see them NOT around. I dont even think they are alive because I was in Falkreath last night and I went into the barracks. What did I see? A guard drinking (supposedly) with his helm on.


Its a conspiracy! Town guards actually dwarven robots!! *flees*

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I lovre the fact every guard is like the same guy who had an accident in a pile of radioactive goo and split himself like an ameba, they all got kneecapped, all know i'm apart of the dark brotherhood, all think their dragonborn... then turn to you and go omg your the dragonborn.


I can't let this go: they're*, you're*

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I think you should approach an NPC and "click" on them before they say a word. We don't need to hear all that junk just from passing by.


And then Bethesda DOES remove casual dialogue, and then everyone complains about how quiet people are in cities...


Well, at least they don't discuss mudcrabs, the Fighter's Guild, and the Fighter's Guild looking to hire mudcrabs that have the stones for it :P

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