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Excited for Nuka world


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I don't know. I have the season pass so I'm getting it anyway, but right now I have a pretty hard time getting excited over that game at all.


Knowing my Bethesda habit that will change again in a few months, but right now I fire the game up and quit to desktop after 10 or 15 minutes. If the game didn't provide me with a CTD beforehand, which, the more it is patched, happens more frequently than back in November.

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Me too, like cossayos I have the season pass but I am struggling to get excited about a game that I can play for about two days on average before Bethesda break F4SE. The F4SE team are doing a heroic job but I bet it drives them nuts to keep having to do it again.

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I forgot that the Vault DLC was released. I still haven't explored any of it with any of my characters. Nuka World will come around and I'll probably be surprised by when Fallout 4 updates again the next time I play.


The DLC for this game has been lackluster, just like the game itself.

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I don't know about the game being lackluster. I don't have the feeling of it being worse than FO3, which was the last Fallout done by Bethesda. It's just the usual Bethesda game. Funnily enough less buggy and more stable at release than it is now. Usually it's the other way round.

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I forgot that the Vault DLC was released. I still haven't explored any of it with any of my characters. Nuka World will come around and I'll probably be surprised by when Fallout 4 updates again the next time I play.


The DLC for this game has been lackluster, just like the game itself.

Yes,the entire game has been a bit lacking, and the DLC is certainly no exception


Now to be fair, Automatron wasn't half bad, but all the rest I could've done without.


Seems like the entire game was designed around one thing and one thing alone. Building things, settlements, which I could've lived with in a much more limited fashion. I would've been far more satisfied with fewer, but meatier settlements than three hundred of them scattered across the wasteland.


I am mildly curious as to what Nuka World is going to bring, but given how FO4 has failed to impress me much, I'm not getting my hopes up.

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I haven't even touched the DLC, granted I want to try far harbour and just haven't gotten to the point in my gaming where I'd care to go off the mainquest, and automatron is something I'll do a bit later as well, but the workshop stuff seems meh
but then again I think it'll be nicer when I've done the storyline even once, workshop stuff seems to be "I'm bored of this shooty killy FPS stuff, let's play the sims" kinds of stuff

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To be honest, although I'm still enjoying playing FO4 (when Bethesda let me) I'm more excited about Deus Rx: Mankind Divided coming out on the 23rd and Mafia 3 coming out in October. Between the 2 of them they should keep me occupied long enough for Bethesda to slip a few more "updates" in and maybe even finish their patching ( I won't hold my breath though).

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unfortunately it has been stated Nuka World will be the last add on. They better make it a good one. Far Harbor helped to redeem F4's lack of storyline. This final DLC will make or break the game as a whole


I have a feeling and by the gods ( playing Skyrim right now ) I hope that I am wrong ... on this.


Based on the heavy theme of Settlements in the base game: then Workshop DLC adding to the settlement " package " ... and then Vault-Tec DLC, by the gods, I hope it's not another " Settlement " ( SIMS ) package.


But I have a feeling, based on current trends of this game, that it will add - New Nuka Items to build - have. It will indeed be a settlement ' camp '. If there are " rides ", I am not going to expect much, except those things that go in a limited timed circle and such. One suggest a ROLLER COASTER, as much fun as that would be, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. As the animation and such would be more than Beth has been willing to do in this game. They've kept it " KISS " - Keep It Simple Silly.


Ya, Far Harbor was the one DLC that brought " LIFE " back to this game, IMHO. Robot was okay, but as Charlie Brown was fond of saying:

" There is no heavier burden than a great potential. "


I'm not holding my breath on Nuka-World being much more than a " Settlement Camp " - a few simple rides and some Nuka stuff for the Workbench to build. Again, this simply based on the current DLC's and what we got and did not get.

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