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Wrye Bash Anygood?


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Gotta love google :yes:


Heres what I came up with:


Wrye Bash is a Swiss Army Mod Tool! I.e., it does a bunch of stuff, so it's hard to categorize. However, in general, it does two types of things:


• Manage Oblivion mods, savegames, replacers and screenshots. E.g.:


• Sort rename, reorder, preview, etc.


• Load savegame masters


• Separate savegames into profiles.


• Provide many special purpose functions. E.g.:


• Import NPC levels (useful for Oscuro's, Francesco's and similar releveling mods)


• Import PC face from one game to another.


• Fix the door/flame animation bug that occurs around 200 hours.



Seems way to complicated 4 me...

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Damm good detective work, :thumbsup:


Wrye Bash is all that and more.


When you face a problem that can't be solved any other way you will thank your lucky stars that its there.


At the risk of bringing down hordes of Wrye Bash supporters down on my head, I will opine that it is not known for being "User Friendly." :wallbash:


The trick here is to run into a problem that Wrye Bash can solve and ask for help. Remember to be specific about the problem you are having and be prepared to play 20 questions while they diagnose it. They can't help if they can't rule out everything else. :sick:


At that point, the Wrye Bash experts here will turn out in force to walk you through the installation, tips, and tricks of the program. ;D


Until you need it, you don't need it. Thank goodness. :sweat:

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I read good things about Wyre Bash, but you have to download the Python runtime for it...so meh. Wish it was programmed in C++ or Java like damn near everything else. Python's syntax is easy to learn though. That has nothing to do with the topic. Just thought I'd share.
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