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Skyrim isn't dumbed down. Purists are.


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I think the point was not to pass judgement, but he is simply saying that people need to stop being so critical about change. Even before Skyrim came out I heard people saying "It's probably just going to be Oblivion with a high-res patch"... Then the same people who said that are now saying "It's dumbed down.". Skyrim has ten times the amount of things to do as Oblvion or Morrowind.


I do agree about the difficulty... Dragons are WAY too easy to kill. Seriously giants are scarier than dragons. The games difficulty system needs to be revamped. On Adept the game is just a tad too easy, yet on the hardest level it is absolutely impossible.

Edited by OnlyOneWing
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I think the point was not to pass judgement, but he is simply saying that people need to stop being so critical about change. Even before Skyrim came out I heard people saying "It's probably just going to be Oblivion with a high-res patch"... Then the same people who said that are now saying "It's dumbed down.".

Not necessarily the "same people", I fall under the "it will be Fallout with Swords" category. :pirate: But in all seriousness, change can be good or bad, some of the changes have been good - the improvement to the NPCs in towns, with regular jobs (far better than the old Oblivion Radiant AI), Bethesda actually making a game for once that did *not* crash 100 times for most players in the first week (this is far more stable than any previous release of theirs on Gamebryo), among other things. Other changes are for the worse - the UI being built for a gamepad not a keyboard/mouse (just try rebinding E/F/R/Q, let alone Tab), the stripping down of magic/spellcrafting, the removal of variety in item slots to make the game run more smoothly on 7 year old hardware (I'm looking at you consoles), the questlines for factions becoming far shorter and less attention-grabbing than previous games (seriously 6 quests to finish off a faction, without even attempting to make the player feel like they EARNED their Archmage/Master Thief/whatever title).


Skyrim has ten times the amount of things to do as Oblvion or Morrowind.

There was a post not long ago listing the total number of quests from each game, though I can't seem to find it at this moment (earlier in this thread I believe), that showed Skyrim having a fraction (1/3?) the quests Morrowind had. It also compared the number of quests Oblivion had.

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Not necessarily the "same people", I fall under the "it will be Fallout with Swords" category. :pirate:



Questwise and when it comes to NPCs recognising your efforts, I wish it would be.


Seriously, I don't have any major problems with the changes, apart from the UI, which is obviously console friendly. I may not be happy with losing certain aspects of preious games, but its no gamebreaker for me. The non reacting world however is a biggy.

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Not necessarily the "same people", I fall under the "it will be Fallout with Swords" category. :pirate:



Questwise and when it comes to NPCs recognising your efforts, I wish it would be.


Seriously, I don't have any major problems with the changes, apart from the UI, which is obviously console friendly. I may not be happy with losing certain aspects of preious games, but its no gamebreaker for me. The non reacting world however is a biggy.


You must be new for TES series, otherwise you'd never say an blasphemy as that. Never Played as Mage? Did you ever Play Morrowind or Oblivion? I couldn't finish morrowind because of the Main Quest being BIG, even Morrowind in all that Grandfather ancestry has an better Magic system than Skyrim, they only made the game to feel cooler. Y'know? More Money, more investments, Right now, Skyrim is the most bought game in the world. They sacrificed Quests, and a Magic system for exchange for a Close-up with Dragons, Draw ye swords! Shout in the Way of the Voice! Kill the Dragon and Make the most graphical happening EVAR! they didn't do it for roleplayers. I can't wait for TES 6 Summerset Isle! it is assurable to have an much better magic system. Magic is shunned, but what can I do? Play back Oblivion? Morrowind? I as a fan of The Elder Scrolls since Morrowind, and now the simplest lack of Quests and Magic can make many players quit.. Skyrim is an gamebreaker for Mages.





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You must be new for TES series, otherwise you'd never say an blasphemy as that.



I played Morrowind since it first came out. But this boils down to tastes. I'm happy if I have more options, but since I'm more into the roleplaying aspects of the games than I'm into alchemy or shaping a wizard to their last detail, the non reacting NPCs were my major gripe - starting with Morrowind.


In short, it doesn't break my immersion if I get less options although I would be happy to have them. But it breaks my immersion big time if I am treated like some village idiot, only suited for the menial tasks, even if I'm the affirmed boss of the one handing out some quest. As I said in another post I had this statement from one of my underlings: "You're much better suited for such a menial task".


That's what I call gamebreaking, not an abundance of options. Compared to this, lack of options are a nuissance at best.

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Did...you just write this to start arguments?

That's like 80% of the threads in here. :whistling:


Yes and quite right. lol


@ the op what Obliion? Lol


The character creator was most certainly dumbed down as was the magic system, and the birthsigns and all the fun stuff from Oblivions character creator. But the game itself, the gameplay is a lot more fun than Oblivions was.

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I have to say that I have no complaints about Skyrim......well yeah I do. But my only complaint is about a bug. Even with my arcane smithing perk I can't upgrade any magic armor. Except Linwe's armor. However, I tried playing Oblivion, but could not get into it. There was just something about the tory in Oblivion that not only did I not like but royally pissed me off too. Skyrim however, is a completely different story.
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Character creation isn't dumbed down. There's less pointless crap. Just Cus there isn't classes and all the uselessness in morrowind doesn't mean it's dumbed down. It's all there, in a more efficient way. It's like skyrim's size: 5GB bt still a lot more content that oblivion or morrowind.





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One more uncalled for cheap shot will be your last on this site.

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