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Leveled Character Chance None


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i'm little confused by one thing,

if i'm integrate leveled character to the game with chance none, let it be 90, so i have a 10% chance for npc appears in the game.,


but other 90% of "none" are spawning for me a Radroaches in same npc markers)


i've check bases and templates, trails, scripts, and any thing where can be radroach, and there no radroaches nowhere., so is it a game bug or why it can be?)

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Sorry for the necro, but I am having (I think) the exact same bizarre issue as the OP. Part of the reason it's hard to understand what he is saying is precisely because the issue is so weird.


I've modified a Raider leveled list (LCharRaider, the most common generic raider which appears in the game everywhere) and put the "chance none" variable to "100", because I'm trying to make a mod that greatly reduces the number of raiders all over the place trying to kill you.


Logically I would have thought that this would simply *not* spawn a raider, and spawn nothing instead. But what happens in-game is that a human male NPC will spawn instead, completely naked and unarmed, and its name will be "Radroach". (Yes, you read all that correctly. LIke I said, totally bizarre.)


I can understand OP's confusion. What the hell is turning this NPC into "Radroach"? It's still a human, it spawns in the same place, it is hostile to everything (the other enemy NPCs which spawn beside it end up killing it), it has no loot other than a Tato or something. And its name is "Radroach".



It is utterly strange and makes no sense whatsoever.


If anyone has any information (or knows a good tutorial) about editing NPC leveled lists in general, or knows more specifically how I would go about reducing raider spawns, I'd greatly appreciate it!

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There is a default object manager "thing" that has : FallBackLeveledActorBase_DO "If a leveled actor fails to calculate a base object in game, use this instead." and it's set to EncRadRoach.



Maybe it fails because it tries to generate something but because chance none is 100% it fails always. Maybe it needs to be able to spawn atleast some npc? So, you propably need another npc there, so it spawns instead? If you don't want to spawn anything you propably need to delete the whole leveled actor marker.


But that was just me guessing, no idea if leveled actor can be disabled with chance none set to 100%.. sounds like nope.


What happens if you just delete the raider from the leveled list? Same result ? You can always put some Far harbor rabbit in the list instead, lol.

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  On 4/18/2017 at 9:43 PM, vkz89q said:

There is a default object manager "thing" that has : FallBackLeveledActorBase_DO "If a leveled actor fails to calculate a base object in game, use this instead." and it's set to EncRadRoach.



Maybe it fails because it tries to generate something but because chance none is 100% it fails always. Maybe it needs to be able to spawn atleast some npc? So, you propably need another npc there, so it spawns instead? If you don't want to spawn anything you propably need to delete the whole leveled actor marker.


But that was just me guessing, no idea if leveled actor can be disabled with chance none set to 100%.. sounds like nope.


What happens if you just delete the raider from the leveled list? Same result ? You can always put some Far harbor rabbit in the list instead, lol.


Thanks for the info, I'll check that out the next time my headache goes away XD


My original Idea was to inundate the leveled list with a bunch of Radroaches (or rats or something) so that every time a raider spawned, there would be a 50-50 chance that some sort of critter would spawn instead. But then when one of my entries got randomly selected, it would still use the original leveled list's main template (i.e. raider) so that whatever I'd use, a raider would still show up but with a funky name (like cat, radroach, or whatever other name I put).


Like I said, no matter what I try, something very bizarre happens instead. I'll try messing around some other day... if I keep going now I'll just end up putting my fist through the wall.

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Why not try setting the chance of "lvlraider"? (LChar records is NOT the same as a lvled list)

If you set the chance in LCharRaider, the lvlraider will still spawn a raider except that raider has a chance of having no info at all.

LChar records are only collection of data while The lvlraider is what is placed in the world and are used to spawn things.


LChar records holds the base template data of what the lvlraider will spawn with, often those lvled Actors pull data from more than 1 LChar Record (Often Base Data and Face/gender)

So the lvlraider is actually the leveled Actor that pulls data out of LChar records, and even if that data is None, it will still spawn.


As I crossed out there is no "chance" on a leveled Actor, only a "difficulty". If LChar stuff could actually be placed in the world, it would work, but they cant.

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I'm still confused, however. How would I go about editing the records you talk about? As far as I can tell, "lvlraider" is simply a template, and editing this record will have no impact on whether or not the raider will spawn.


Basically I am looking for a way to make it so less raiders spawn in the world, short of manually disabling hundreds (or thousands) of individual spawn points.


Do you know what the name of the "world object" (not sure about terminology) would be for the actual marker/object that is placed in the zone that tells the game, "spawn a raider here"?


If you could tell me if I'm even remotely on the right track, it would be appreciated.



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lvlraider is what is placed in the world, its a "container" of data so to speak, right click and "use info" and you can see where its used and placed. Lvlraider is not a template, its a leveled actor. The data inside the LChar Records are templates. When the lvlraider gets loaded it picks a template from the set LChar records and uses the picked Data.

I don't think you will be able to make them spawn on chance unless you use a script and replace the lvlxxx with a marker with the script.


As I said, LChar records is NOT a lvled list. It shares the same interface, yes and functionality, but LChar is nothing but a data holder, that lvled actors use when they spawn.

LL_xxx items are different as they, very simply put, become the item that is calculated from their list or disappears if it was below the chance.

Lvled Actors on the other hand, already exists in the game world when the data is pulled, so if LChar returns nothing then the game uses the fail safe spawn.

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