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Treasure Maps


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I have found three so far but don't recognise the locations and haven't managed to see what happens yet. Does it just give a location of some treasure or will there be somewhere I actually have to dig or w/e. Anyone found any treasure yet?

I have 2 different treasure maps. One sure treasure map you can find one cave in Whiterun during mission and It lead you to treasure somewhere in west-south Whiterun, there is one wind mill and climb up to mountain and there it is. 2nd one I don't know well, where I found it it is been while I got it. :biggrin:

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There is a map on a small group of bandits near Helgen, between the fort and that small Talos shrine with all the bodies - leads to a treasure chest just across the river from Riverwood sawmill. I have also gotten the one near the windmill by Whiterun, though I cannot remember exactly where I got that map from. Each map leads to an unlocked chest that does not spawn in the world until you actually possess the map, so no cheating and just skipping ahead to location before you get the map. Generic random loot inside each chest, with the usual chance at magic items and such, nothing really special though they make a nice diversion.
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I think it's easier to type the number of the map than where you acquired it.

I myself have got a problem with Treasure Map X (10). Does anyone know where it leads to? it must be somewhere near water and I though it's near Riften, because the map was nearby there, but I can't find a place that would look like.

One sure treasure map you can find one cave in Whiterun during mission and It lead you to treasure somewhere in west-south Whiterun, there is one wind mill and climb up to mountain and there it is

That's treasure map IV

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I've also found the one where you have to climb up a mountain behind a mill in near whiterun. The other one I've found directs me to a treestump somewhere near a section of a river with a small island in it.

Haven't figured out yet where this is.

And a picture of a lady statue on the map? That's Treasure map X, I'm also having problems with it. If you find where it is first, post it here please.

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I figured out, where Treasure Map X leads to. It's near Lady stone (that picture on the map means Lady stone) and near Ilinalta's deep (a dungeon involved in Azura's quest), right to the west from Riverwood. You'd want to take the northern bank of the river if you go there from Riverwood. The chest is deep in the water near the end of a long sand spit (compare your minimap and the treasure map to find the spot). Beware the slaughterfish!
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There are 11 treasure maps in all, I won't spoil their locations or where they lead to, but there are 10 maps that go like this: Treasure Map I, Treasure Map II, Treasure Map III, etc and one that is from a fort.
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