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Texture best compression


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Are you opening the image with mipmaps enabled?


What if you do leave the mipmaps enabled? Does that mean you don't have to generate the mipmaps again, when you save?


BTW, DDS Converter 2 doesn't work with Windows 7, for some reason. It wouldn't even let me *try* to convert a .png to .dds. The 'convert button was greyed out. I ended up using Gimp but the .dds produced was double the size of the original, 175 kb to 340 kb (using DXT5 compression). I generated the mipmaps using Gimp, but I didn't enable them when I opened the file. Is that the reason for the increase in file size?

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but the .dds produced was double the size of the original, 175 kb to 340 kb (using DXT5 compression). I generated the mipmaps using Gimp, but I didn't enable them when I opened the file. Is that the reason for the increase in file size?

no, the reason for the file size difference is likely that you saved as a DXT5. If there is no alpha channel in your texture, you have only added a blank one when you saved as a DXT5, which will double the file size. Use DXT1 if you are not using an alpha channel.

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There is the problem of mipmaps though. Whatever they are,, they affect the result.

What problem with mip maps? Use them. You can get super funky and do fade if it is a landscape texture and sharpening ect, not to mention the many types of filters used to create them.


So correct me if I'm saying something wrong: the problem on blocky textures are bad compressions on normal maps. I'll try it as soon as possible (now i can't, i'm in the office :tongue: )

Most prominently, yes. that is the one thing that has the most impact. The color maps themselves suffer much less because most of the times the things are quite noisy and full various color info anyway, so compression is hidden better, plus they do not modify lighting direction changes. On normal maps it stores a color that modifies the normal direction, and light reflects off it in a blocky fashion, being counter productive to the actual job of normal maps, in that they can correctly smooth and add detail to the surface of a mesh by making changes to the direction light reflects off it.


Thanks. I've been looking for advice such as this, but it's really hard to find. Reading on the theory of normal maps, environment mapping, etc is only so helpful, but there's a general lack of advice, especially organized advice as far as "best practices", "tips and tricks", and timesavers are considered. That's sort of the project that I'm undertaking with my personal wiki in my sig.

Edited by jimhsu
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I just thought I'd ask this here since its DDS related. Just noticed that PhotoshopCS5 has been saving all my DXT1 no alpha , with a white alpha channel. To begin with I thought the problem was related to the Nvidia 64 bit plugins but it also occurs with the 32bit version too.


Someone else on another topic was also having this problem. Does anyone have a solution please because its very annoying?

Edited by darthsloth74
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