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Imperial VS Stormcloak


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Technically, Morthal is still part of the Empire at the start of the game.


4 Imperial (Markarth, Morthal, Falkreath, Solitude)

3 Stormcloak (Windhelm, Riften, Dawnstar)

1 Neutral (Whiterun)

1 of no real consequence either way (Winterhold)


You can't give away what you don't possess - and Hjaalmarch can be given away by the Imperials during Season Unending - unless it was already taken by force by the Stormcloaks.

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When it comes to an invasion of Skyrim the problem is the terrain. A pass is a choke point in which the invading army would have to move through the pass and force your troops to move into a column. In which case the Stormcloaks have shown they know how to use guerrilla tactics, by using these tactics if the AD's army is moving in a column through the narrow pass it makes it easier for the Stormcloaks to attack the column using hit and run tactics. Which would dwindle the resources of the AD's army down to almost nothing. The fact that its nearly always snowing in the passes proves that it makes it harder to move a large force through the pass. Theres no way for the AD to take the high ground because of the jagged rocky mountains. The Nords know the mountains and the land better than the AD, they have been living there for generations. Moral of the AD would decrease and the soldiers wouldnt be as hard pressed to continue moving. They would also be tired. They would be constantly chasing the Nords through the mountains and not be as focused on gaining a foothold in the pass. The Nords could take the time and sit by and let the army starve. If the AD made it through the pass (Which as I have explained would be very difficult, not impossible but hard) they would maybe take a fort, like fort Neugrad. Then they would need to gain the resources lost back and have to rebuild and possibly need reinforcements. Which would also give the Nords time to pick at the remaining soldiers and dwindle them down even further in number. This wouldnt take that many Nords. Maybe a few hundred. Im going to assume that the AD has several thousands of soldiers. The Nords Im assuming (Game logistics aside) have a few thousand soldiers. Using part of there force would be enough to deplete the moral of the advancing army. Attacking via the hills, hit and run tactics would be the best choice. Hit the AD's army and making them chase the Nords into the hills where they can be ambushed by more forces. The Nords could also use the land itself against them. They could block off the pass and force the army to halt and clear the pass then ambush them. These are examples of things the Nords could do. The Celts did this to the Romans.

Now, for a sea invasion. If the AD's army were to attack via the sea of ghosts, they have to travel through arctic waters which is no picnic. Then they must gain a beachhead. Which there are several places they can do this but not for a large force. They would need to spread the forces out for several landings that would need to occur simultaneously. Then they could rendezvous at any given location large enough to support the numbers. Then during this time the Nords can, once again, use guerrilla tactics to halt the AD forces. If the AD successfully gains a beachhead the Nords could just barrage them with a large force. Initially, they could just attack supply lines and starve the AD's army but lets pretend for a moment that the Nords do not do this. The AD has an established beachhead and a steady supply line. They could funnel reinforcements and establish a strong presence in Skyrim. The Nords have shown in the past that they can destroy large forces due to military prowess. The Nords know their land and arent so willing to allow someone else to invade it.

When you live in Winter lands you know Winter Warfare. The Norwegians do, the Russians do and the Alaskans do.

Edited by HighkingUlfricStormcloak
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Technically, Morthal is still part of the Empire at the start of the game.


4 Imperial (Markarth, Morthal, Falkreath, Solitude)

3 Stormcloak (Windhelm, Riften, Dawnstar)

1 Neutral (Whiterun)

1 of no real consequence either way (Winterhold)


You can't give away what you don't possess - and Hjaalmarch can be given away by the Imperials during Season Unending - unless it was already taken by force by the Stormcloaks.


Morthal claims neutrality, and only supports the Empire when it suits them, as shown by both igorod, and 'The Holds of Skyrim' (and Imperial guidebook).


I don't think that taking Wintehold out of the equation is really fair. Politically, it has a vote on the Moot, same as Solitude of Windhelm. By that logic, the UN would be controlled entirely by the 5 permanent members of teh Security council! (Well, it almost is in practice).

Edited by RighthandofSithis
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I'd imagine the Jarl of Winterhold really wouldn't have much of a voice in a moot. Seriously, what other Jarls would even recognize him? He's a Jarl without a kingdom, without subjects - unless we consider Ice Wolves, Frost Trolls, Snow Sabre Cats and Snow Bears subjects with a voice......

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I was reffering to the people themselfs, not just the holds. When you talk to the people in skyrim you have stormcloak supporters, imperial supporters, and the neutral population. The last 2 groups did not want a war, so the stormcloaks are pushing the war on the majority.

I should also mention the unknown ammount of nord soldiers serving in legions, which should be considerable, since it takes only one legion to keep the stormcloaks in check. Again, they are a minority, good luck fighting the Dominion with that much support.


And terrain works both ways, just as you wouldn't be able to manouver catapults properly in the mountains, Thalmor mages would have plenty of terrain elevations to cast their spells at different angles. That's if a shield formation wouldn't eventually break from persistent damage, just standing there taking damage from an enemy with ranged domination will kill you nontheless.

Plus, no one mentions how Thalmor melee fighters are actually quite strong. When faced with such an enemy you have to be able to rout them, not defend untill your dead.


I'd imagine the Jarl of Winterhold really wouldn't have much of a voice in a moot. Seriously, what other Jarls would even recognize him? He's a Jarl without a kingdom, without subjects - unless we consider Ice Wolves, Frost Trolls, Snow Sabre Cats and Snow Bears subjects with a voice......


Well, frost trolls can be domesticated, maybe you stormcloaks should consider that one.

Edited by kradus
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You are skewing things. How many people even occupy Winterhold other than Bandits and the College - neither of which are under the jursidiction of the Jarl without a kingdom.


So Winterhold supports the war, wooopeee, with what? Some timbers from the remaining destroyed houses that litter the hold capitol?

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I was reffering to the people themselfs, not just the holds. When you talk to the people in skyrim you have stormcloak supporters, imperial supporters, and the neutral population. The last 2 groups did not want a war, so the stormcloaks are pushing the war on the majority.

I should also mention the unknown ammount of nord soldiers serving in legions, which should be considerable, since it takes only one legion to keep the stormcloaks in check. Again, they are a minority, good luck fighting the Dominion with that much support.


And terrain works both ways, just as you wouldn't be able to manouver catapults properly in the mountains, Thalmor mages would have plenty of terrain elevations to cast their spells at different angles. That's if a shield formation wouldn't eventually break from persistent damage, just standing there taking damage from an enemy with ranged domination will kill you nontheless.

Plus, no one mentions how Thalmor melee fighters are actually quite strong. When faced with such an enemy you have to be able to rout them, not defend untill your dead.

I suppose Ulfric isn't leading a populist uprising, its just that that particular line gets to me personally, as a revolutionary myself.


And what makes you think there is only one legion in Skyrim? 'The Holds of Skyrim' state there are more than one. And having only 1 or two legions in SKyrim furthers my arguement that the Empire is unable to hold itself together.


Also, levitating your army over the mountains is the worst move you can make. You would besiege yourself in, cut supply lines, and find yourself surrounded by the Nordic army. The Nords wouldn't even need to fight, just focus on their own supply lines and they'd win without a drop of Nordic blood being spilt.

Edited by RighthandofSithis
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