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I have completely lost all control


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Alright guys I don't know what the heck is going on and it's strange that it's happening at all. I'm gonna start by saying I have a pretty hefty sum of mods installed, but this isn't one of those cases where the mods have caused damage to my game. I am very familiar with OBMM, Bash, and Tes4edit. I am 100% this is not caused by a mod conflict.


Today when I went to load my savegame (all of them have this problem). I cannot move my character. He's not stuck in a wall, or the ground. He's standing on flat ground. I cannot walk, sheathe my weapon, cast spells. However, I can open my inventory. I can fast travel. I can even talk to other NPC's if they walk by me. I can even jump, but he just sort of floats up into the air and falls back down. So I basically have no movement.


About Wednesday I was playing my Oblivion game, zero problems. Having a great time- too. EVERYTHING, I REPEAT, EVERYTHING WAS WORKING AS IT SHOULD BE. I haven't altered any Oblivion related files in the mean time. The only things I have done in the last two days are 1) Fiddle with Windows Media Player so I can stream music to my 360. 2) Use a 360 Controller to play emulated games.


So obviously the first thing I did was do a Google search that yielded a ton of unrelated results. The only things I could find that were useful was that if you plug in a joystick the game remaps keys to the controller. The solution to that problem was to disable bUsejoystick in the ini. Which I did. Did not fix the issue.


The second thing I tried was EnablePlayerControls in the console. That did not fix the issue either, meaning I am not frozen waiting for a cinematic.


Does anybody have any idea what could cause this? I checked the key mappings; everything was as I left it.


EDIT: Although, when I do a newgame I regain complete control. Although I would still greatly appreciate if someone would offer some insight into what kinds of things might cause this.

Edited by iwantmodsplz
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no a new game works fine but any previous save fails


did you recently remove a mod?

The only mod that I removed was Unnecessary Violence II and that was not "recently". I removed it while still in the sewers and continued to play for about a week and all the saves I were subsequently making worked fine (as did the game). Only just today did it hiccup and all of them became unplayable, which is odd considering that they were all working the other day. So it's quite strange that they all suddenly became unplaybe




I tried my recent save


they're working now...


I don't even


I think maybe the controller was the problem, maybe it just took some time to recognize that it was unplugged. Well at any rate thanks for the response bud. I will just delete the thread.


Did you try unplugging the 360 controller when you are going to play Oblivion?

Tried that, didn't work. Maybe it was because the software was still running in the background.


Well, at any rate when I did that and it didn't work previously so I panicked a little and started the thread. Well the issue seems to have been resolved now. Like I said, well, I feel foolish now. I can delete the thread right?

Edited by iwantmodsplz
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