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dds _m


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So im playing with textures abit, and from my limited knowledge i know we have normal textures, then normal maps that are marked with _n.But i also saw some with _m and _s, so im wondering what are they used for and are they vital in retexturing work?
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I believe there are some _n's and they are tangent spaced normal maps. object spaced normals are _msn. _s are specular maps (black = matte, white = gloss). _m I'm not sure about yet, possibly glow or environment maps? _sk are small, coloured maps with much redder areas - are these specific skin tint maps? Edited by Kobayne
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. _s are specular maps (black = matte, white = gloss). _m I'm not sure about yet, possibly glow or environment maps? _sk are small, coloured maps with much redder areas - are these specific skin tint maps?

_s are not specular maps. depending on what you are looking at.. They are likely involved with the SS shader. being either the translucency map for the SS effect, Or they might some times be miss labeled, instead of _sk.


You're correct Kobayne.


_m are generally glow maps.


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The _s textures for characters still look like specular maps to me, and less like subsurface control maps. Could be a hybrid I guess.

its spec


the confusion is that a few are misslabled and I was looking at one at the time.


and probably only for characters...

Edited by Ghogiel
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