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After so many hours...


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It's hard to look past Oblivion. Years of emotional attatchment. But I think I'm startin to get attached to Skyrim. 14 hrs in...I think by my 100th I'll be pretty well bonded, then as I near oblivion playing time...it may just...**sheds tear**replace oblivion.


They grow so fast...nah it's been really log actually. It was a good 5 years. I'll come back to cyrodiil occasionally. Forgive an emotional elder scroller's ramblings.

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Finish the game first then decide what you want to do.

Skyrim is a new toy with limited content and can be completed quickly.here's a link

New content is the key ... at the moment Skyrim has none.....Oblivion has 1000's of extra hours.

No doubt that Skyrim with the release of the Creation Kit will become the leader of the pack in the future.


But at this time Oblivion RULES. :biggrin:

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In that place now - finished the main questline and instead of burning through all the remaining side-quests, I decided to enjoy some of the mods I missed for Oblivion while Skyrim's mod scene picks up. Oddly, the graphics (once fully modded) didn't really throw me off too much after playing Skyrim, but rather the controls (I am constantly jumping at the doors...)
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