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addfac 19809 1 doesn't do s***


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why is it every skyrim wiki and a post here claim it to be able to force any NPC into marriage but it does absolutely nothing? I tried on a number of NPCs including Lydia and none of them worked.

Of course I know you gotta click them first to target them, and you need to wear the necklace thing, but it just doesn't work. I can marry normal NPCs, but this command just doesn't do anything.

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You need the additional command setrelationshiprank player 4


And the reason it's on the wiki's is because it does work (on most non-main-plot-related NPC's). I added it to uesp myself (my character is currently married to Ofalia Graymane). You're probably doing something wrong.

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why is it every skyrim wiki and a post here claim it to be able to force any NPC into marriage but it does absolutely nothing? I tried on a number of NPCs including Lydia and none of them worked.

Of course I know you gotta click them first to target them, and you need to wear the necklace thing, but it just doesn't work. I can marry normal NPCs, but this command just doesn't do anything.


Actually, Lydia is already on the vanilla list so you shouldn't have to do anything to make her eligible.


As for other NPCs... using addfac 19809 1 only makes them eligible for marriage. It does not make them interested in you. That requires a certain relationship level - meaning they have to actually like you first. Weird, eh?


So, as above the next step is setrealtionshiprank player 4 and, for emphasis, follow it up with player.setrelationshiprank player 4. I honestly don't know why the second part is needed, or if it even is, but the first part definitely is. In fact, you can use that on just about any NPC to improve their disposition towards you for any of several reasons - such as turning them into followers, if eligible for that role)


Oh, and yes you will need to turn people into followers as well, in which case you want to add addfac 5C84D1 to the mix. Again, merely making them a potential follower is not enough unless they actually like you. See above.


Now this will usually be enough to make any NPC eligible for marriage but just in case it does not, the final step (and be sure to Quicksave before you do this in case you screw it up): Click on the NPC and type disable and then enable without leaving the console screen. Emphasis on not leaving the console screen, because once you type disable they will vanish, but their "tag" on the console will still remain. Since they are still tagged, typing enable brings them reappear again. Should you leave the console screen between these two commands, I can not promise that you'll even be able to bring them back. You may, but then again you may not. So don't risk it (hence, Quicksave just in case) and do it all in one pass.


What that does is resets the NPC and, in doing so, reloads their dialog options with the new features enabled. Namely, the marriage and/or follower dialog that, for whatever reason, you were not getting before.


Using this method I have yet to encounter any NPC that I could not turn into a follower or candidate for marriage. Also, before I finish, I would also like to add this: help _____ 4, with the blank being their name. This will barf up some statistical data on the NPC, including their ID number in the game - which is important when you follow that up with setessential _____ 1 to make sure that they can't be killed.


This is how I turned Shal from being just some random Orc chieftan's mistress into one of my personal bodyguards, as seen here:


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Don't be so hard on the guy.


It didn't work for me on one of my characters either. It turns out that you have to talk to Maramal before it will work (even if you already have an amulet). It worked after that.


I dunno other reasons it wouldn't work, but I guess it can be pretty finicky.

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Well I wouldnt say that the code does work because I managed to marry Idgrod the Younger by using it. However as already mentioned here before you must also be on good terms with the potencial spouse - personaly I didnt have that problem with Idgrod because I already helped Morthal and did her request before. But of course there are NPC's that you still wont be able to marry and meddling with the NPCs codes too much may cause bugs.
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  • 4 weeks later...

why is it every skyrim wiki and a post here claim it to be able to force any NPC into marriage but it does absolutely nothing? I tried on a number of NPCs including Lydia and none of them worked.

Of course I know you gotta click them first to target them, and you need to wear the necklace thing, but it just doesn't work. I can marry normal NPCs, but this command just doesn't do anything.


Actually, Lydia is already on the vanilla list so you shouldn't have to do anything to make her eligible.


As for other NPCs... using addfac 19809 1 only makes them eligible for marriage. It does not make them interested in you. That requires a certain relationship level - meaning they have to actually like you first. Weird, eh?


So, as above the next step is setrealtionshiprank player 4 and, for emphasis, follow it up with player.setrelationshiprank player 4. I honestly don't know why the second part is needed, or if it even is, but the first part definitely is. In fact, you can use that on just about any NPC to improve their disposition towards you for any of several reasons - such as turning them into followers, if eligible for that role)


Oh, and yes you will need to turn people into followers as well, in which case you want to add addfac 5C84D1 to the mix. Again, merely making them a potential follower is not enough unless they actually like you. See above.


Now this will usually be enough to make any NPC eligible for marriage but just in case it does not, the final step (and be sure to Quicksave before you do this in case you screw it up): Click on the NPC and type disable and then enable without leaving the console screen. Emphasis on not leaving the console screen, because once you type disable they will vanish, but their "tag" on the console will still remain. Since they are still tagged, typing enable brings them reappear again. Should you leave the console screen between these two commands, I can not promise that you'll even be able to bring them back. You may, but then again you may not. So don't risk it (hence, Quicksave just in case) and do it all in one pass.


What that does is resets the NPC and, in doing so, reloads their dialog options with the new features enabled. Namely, the marriage and/or follower dialog that, for whatever reason, you were not getting before.


Using this method I have yet to encounter any NPC that I could not turn into a follower or candidate for marriage. Also, before I finish, I would also like to add this: help _____ 4, with the blank being their name. This will barf up some statistical data on the NPC, including their ID number in the game - which is important when you follow that up with setessential _____ 1 to make sure that they can't be killed.


This is how I turned Shal from being just some random Orc chieftan's mistress into one of my personal bodyguards, as seen here:







I haven't tried the enable/disable thing yet, because I tried the first two steps on Ondolemar and it didn't work.

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NephilimNexus is 100percent correct


I Even wrote a how to on Sylgja and this pretty much is it.


I married Sylgja and then turned her into a follower. She was marry-able but not able to follow and it is about changing the faction to 4.

Tip on changing the clothes is to make them a follower (addfac 0005C84D 4) and then console removing the clothes they wear. (just leave the shoes)

Edited by flyingblind
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