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I opened the console with ~ and typed in "help redguard 4" and it gave me object IDs to spawn. So I typed "player.placeatme <object ID>" and it placed a redguard woman. She wandered around the inn, sat down, ate some bread.


I went outside and typed "help farmer 4" and it game me some object IDs to spawn an npc. I next typed "player.placeatme <object ID>" and it placed a farmer. But he just stood there and looked around. It would obviously be better if there was someway to give them a generic ai package from the console command menu...


But I still get some kind of sandbox joy by spawning one new kind of npc from the console everytime I level up. And the world looks a little more populated. There's no save game bloat or in-game lag yet with about 15 new npcs placed around towns.

Edited by Blocky
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I personally think, with Whiterun as an example, a lot of housing, a few pubs and stores should be added around Whiterun. The best positions would be along the farms and the brewery, as these spots are nearly 100% safe, meaning less scripting to protect the NPCs. It is also pretty flat allowing better integration and town planning. With Solitude the same can be complete but this time down to the Mill, and similar again for Windhelm. I think just by adding a poor district it will add a lot, as the cities really do lack that "real" factor like the the rest of Skyrim has. With these areas added, generic NPS's mainly Guards, Farmers, Beggars etc can then be added. I imagine most computers will be able to cope, if not then a wall could be added around the areas and the cities split into districts. This could even be done with existing cities to reduce work load for PCs.
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I think you'd have to edit the current size of each city if you want to give them a higher population. The way they are now wouldnt fit that many people, since Bethesda designed them as such. It really is a shame that they are so small. I would have loved to see Assassin's Creed size cities with TES lore behind them. If you could pull it off though it'd be one of the better mods for sure.
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Expanding skyrim. hmm


in walled towns like whiterun, i'd recommend adding more children'siblings to existing households, as the town is pretty fleshed out as is.

Riften's ratway definitely needs more inhabitants living down there. Same with the warrens in markarth.


winterhold being rebuilt would be awesome, and ambitious. Expanding dawnstar and falkreath would be nice too. Morthal is lorewise meant to be tiny, the people like it that way.


in solitude and windhelm, i might suggest building up. flats and stuff.

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Can't you just generate a few dozen (or few hundred if you like) generic NPCs like "local" or "Solitude resident"? Have the game randomly generate each ones face and just populate them in Solitude. Add a big-ass hotel or something so when their AI goes ping and thinks "bedtime" they go to their hotel room and sleep. Seems more efficient than building entirely new cities. Edited by SkyrimeisterSam
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I think that before any of the huge expanding cities are created, basically just doubling the population with travellers and wanderers. They could just walk through the bush aimlessly but at least they would be there. I also don't care much for the whole "Oh no, he's a person. That means he MUST have a bed." Yeah, I think just people wandering around the cities, and at night time just going to the pub. After all, pubs are open forever!
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I'm all for expansion but political climate in Skyrim needs attention as well.


* More random clashes between Stormcloak and Imperial soldiers.

* Travelers are armed or journeying together via caravan (ala Fallout NV).

* Scenes of Imperials/Stormcloaks attempting to "confiscating" supplies from merchants for their cause (faction situation.)

* Heavily armed mercs traveling with aristocrats. (high risk, high reward situation).

* Summary executions taking place by one side or the other (and possibly persuade mercy.)

* Ambushes by rouge Necromancers using explosive runes and Vampires with paralyzing poisoned Bows.

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This is a great thread by the way!


I think there are a lot of great ideas here but only a handfull of people have mentioned there could be NPC's outside of the cities. For example, there could be more NPC's that are hunting, couriers and wild animals / beasts. Clashes have been mentioned before but I'm merely suggesting a twist on all of this. More assassins trying to kill you, anyone?

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