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pink blue models missing textures.


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I have this problem known by xbox players but i'm on PC.


sometime a model (today it was mammoths) is untexturized appearring totally pink, purple or black any idea ?



This happens a lot to me with the female body texture. My best guess is the game engine is really piss poor right now as far as how it manages memory and other resources.


It can't even use direct x 11 or a quad core cpu.

Bethesda assures us that it's a "New" engine but we all know its the same old gamebreo crap that they have been shoving on us since as long as I can remember.

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Same problem here. It seems pretty random. Sometimes i don´t have it for hours, then again, i have it after half an hour of playtime.

It isn´t my rig, that´s for sure.

I already checked GPU temp & RAM used: everything fine there.

Normal RAM-use: all fine.

CPU usage & temp: as it should be.


Also it´s totally random on what i get it. Sometimes it´s on a wolf, now it was on some tents, another time it was on a dragon, ...

Makes it hard to get any closer to a solution.


Maybe adding a bit more details could help us all out in finding something similar.


System overview (made with Speccy)



So i think it would be a great idea if we posted a system summary, maybe we can get a clue.






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Well, it seems to right itself... like I was in the one places you need to go for the mages guild... now everything is fine after I shut down the program, took a break, and reentered.


Perhaps the game just gets a little out of breath at times and needs time to refresh the memory/caches etc... I run on an AMD Athlon II 654 x 4 (quadcore) processor at 3.2 ghz, 6 gb of RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5450 graphics card with 2 GB onboard memory if that helps at all...


I run totally fine, its' not like I lag a lot so it's not expected or anything... I think it's just something to do with the game itself, and not anything at fault...

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