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Khajiit remodding - human cat style (anime like)


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it's not that easy i guess, but maybe some people would like it

and if there would be a person who could do this... it would be awesome


Simple put: Humans with Cat Ears and a Tail, called neko (if anyone knows what this means), nothing more, maybe a lil bit "cuter", but doesnt matter that much.


Some Screens from random animes:




Dunno if its possible so far... i guess it would be a complete remoddeling... oh well.




another mod idea: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/477787-alternative-to-the-anime-like-khajiit-suggestion/

Called Mithra (great idea if you ask me. tho it's not a neko)



last but not least:

just write hater posts, most people, which would like such a mod, don't rly care or just flame back.

Once there is some basic stuff (mesh files, textures and the creation kit), i'll try it myself, even if i havent done anything so far for TES or fallout, but i've got some experience from q3 [JKA] and unreal modding. Even harder stuff i guess lolz, creating dll's and .so's aint that easy at the beginning

If Luchaire isn't faster ^^




best regards

Edited by dalira
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I would like this more than I do the current Khajiit. xD Yeah yeah, I know its "anime" and it will get trolled by certain malcontents on the forums.


Currently I think it MIGHT be possible since there are some mods out there that replace and alter meshes. Someone would need to take the ears and tail from the khajiit and add them to the human body mesh... or in my preferance replace the khajiit body mesh with the human body mesh... but keep the ears and tail.


I say I think it could be done right now, because you can currently swap around meshes for other things.

Edited by kitsuneshoujo
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For the love of all that is holy on this good earth....NO PLEASE NO. Manga belongs in Pokemon and Yu Gi oh...and crappy tv shows made for children in japan. (In my opinion)


I think we've all had enough of you and your 'opinion'. Looking over your posting history you've done nothing but complain and belittle people, or their choice of mod use. It ends here.

Just because you do not like it does not mean that you should influence what is available to other people - if you want that sort of decision making ability, start your own mod site.


User banned for repeated trolling\flaming of site membership - TVD..

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hey there,

well as much as I love to see new models myself, the fact that making a new model for the game to play is really hard. To my knowledge the allready existent models have certain measurements which the armor you can find are meant for. If you would want to make such a model you would either have to have a lot of experience and time, or you would have to take one of the human races and model a tail and ears on them. Either way I think it's more challenging than one would expect.

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I am no expert I have only tinkered with mesh editing, but I dont think it would be that complicated. There has already been one mod on here that smooshed together that armour you get from the hircine werewolf quest, and the apprentice mage dress. So to me, its not that different than taking the ears and tail from the khajiit and adding them to the human body. As long as you dont change the height or proportions of the body itself, it shouldnt mess up with the armour meshes.
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