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Nif Skope: Editing Block List Tree


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I would like to add an alpha Channel to an NiTriShape mesh in a file. When I right click on the NiTrishape Block and select Node/Attach Property/NiAlphaProperty it will place the NiAlphaProperty outside of the 0 NiNode like this:


0 NiNode

1 NiTriShape

2 NiTriShapeData

> 3 BSDismembermentSkinInstance

> 6 BSLightingShaderProperty

8 NiNode

9 NiNode

23 NiAlphaProperty

When i've seen working files that are able to get the NiAlphaProperty inside the NiTrishape tree like this:


0 NiNode

1 NiTriShape

2 NiTriShapeData

> 3 BSDismembermentSkinInstance

> 6 BSLightingShaderProperty

8 NiAlphaProperty

9 NiNode

10 NiNode


Can anyone explain how to position the alpha channel in the correct block?


And I have also been trying to add a body mesh to the Nightingale Armor mesh inorder to do some transparency work on the texture itself. But I have failed utterly in trying to properly copy/paste the body mesh branch into the armor. I know Dizzasterjuice managed to get the ebony transparency working. so I wanted to reproduce that effect for nightingale.


Everytime I copy/paste the body branch I get the s*** ton of corresponding NiNode NPCPelvis etc. components that carryover. and the body mesh TriShape block is within a NiNode Tree.


Any help?

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Scroll to the bottom of the NiTriShape, you'll see a field you can expanded named "Properties" which has two Property links. Enter the index number for the block you wish to attach. In your above example, AlphaProperty had an index of 23, so enter that.


And enter -1 for any field you wish to empty, should that ever come up.

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Scroll to the bottom of the NiTriShape, you'll see a field you can expanded named "Properties" which has two Property links. Enter the index number for the block you wish to attach. In your above example, AlphaProperty had an index of 23, so enter that.


And enter -1 for any field you wish to empty, should that ever come up.

Thanks Throttlekitty, that worked.


Whats the proper way to add a body mesh in a piece of armor like Nightingale? When I Copy/Paste the Branch I get a lot of Children NiNodes in the Torso_0.nif (nightingale) blocklist. And any transparency applied to the Nightingale Texture is also applied to the body mesh itself.

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I'm trying to do something similar and have received some great help, but here is where I get stuck. I do not see the "properties at the bottom". I see properties, in the middle there, but it isnt anything i can change. Am I looking in the wrong place?



nifhelp by ArkenSoothsayer, on Flickr

Edited by uruku7
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