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Some questions again :)


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Hello everyone !


In my first game, i made an imperial warrior.. made it to level 7, then stopped it.. i wasn't able to "feel" that character, and i couldn't imagine playing a elder scrolls with a character i cannot "feel". i'm sure you know what i mean...


Then i made a breton, destruction mage (destruction skill 51), level 11. Now i can say that i can "feel" that character pretty well.. but.. the combats are extremely boring. Maybe i should have coupled destruction with another school of magic, but there was no other kind of spells that was appealing to me..


So, now i think i'm gonna start a new game (again), with some kind of stealthy character. That would be the first time a play such a char in an elder scrolls. I've read some class guide about Skyrim, and they often separate the kind of char i want to play into 3 different class. Archer, Thief, Assassin.


My question about that is, can i be a all 3 of them at once without being undermatched ? Can i be a stealthy little vermin who can stab with a dagger, as well as shooting an arrow from a dark place, while being skilled in poisons making ? And being able to do all of these while picking someones pockets ? And i've heard illusion magic helps a lot stealthy characters, should i level it ? and what about dual wielding daggers ?


What should i expect about being a stealthy char ? Can i easily one-shot most of my ennemies ? What will become of me if i ends up face to face with 3 big fat bandits ? Can a stealthy character hide in shadow while in combat without using a potion/spell ? Any feedbacks or good guide about the kind of char i want to make would be appreciated.. a lot :)


Now a small question about skill books. If i see a skill book on a table (seems to be easy to spot because of thier higher value), can i take it (to sell it later) without actualy reading it ? It would be nice to avoid skilling things that i will never use...


Now another small questions, about the main quest. I'd like to do as much side quest as i can before completing the main quest.. the big problem is, i'm not totaly sure what the main quest is. (Bravo Betheseda on that, sinceraly). Does the main quest is the imperial vs stormcloak thing ? Meaning as long as i don't join either of them i'm ok ? Or does is involve the Greybeards thing, meaning i'm out of the main quest as long i don't pay them a visit ?

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Interesting topic, and some good questions. I am playing an Imperial. I am relying on my archery skills, single hand..I use my Blade's Katana, and magic, so I don't know what you would call my character. I like to think of him as a Rogue or Scout class warrior I guess. I travel light and try not to use much in the way of armor, and light armor at that. I rely on my skills as much as I can. It is not uncommon for me to just wear common clothes without an armor rating and that really makes it a challenge for me, and I enjoy that.


I wondered about the skill books too, so rather then sell them, I either stored them as best I could, and now use my bookshelf at my home in Whiterun. I was afraid that If I sold them I would loose that added skill, silly I suppose but I didn't know for sure. I think once it is used, that's it and it doesn't matter after that.


I have barely touch on the storyline and like you, not sure what the storyline really is. But that's ok by me, it's fun to figure it out and I'm sure that somewhere down the road I'll get back on track and watch the story unfold for me. I am busy doing side quests, and a did just finish becoming the Arch Mage, but I don't think that is part of the storyline. So far...I have not picked sides, and frankly hope to avoid that if I can. This one issue has caused me to really think about this. Right now, if it comes down to it, I'll have to make a choice, neither seems very good at the moment. For the most part, I'm playing as a good guy. I was yelled at for littering once already by some old lady sitting on her porch...LOL!


Other then that, having a great time and getting lost.

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1. Yes, you can multiclass pretty easily due to the more basic skills system. Yes, it can be effective if you're good at it.

2. You can kill many enemies with one shot once you have got a few perks in Sneak and your desired weapon perk pool.

3. Hiding from combat is sometimes difficult, but definitely doable.

4. I don't think you can pick them up without reading them.

5. The Main Quest is the one involving the defeat of Alduin (yes, the one with the Greybeards). However, the Empire vs. Stormcloaks issue is also a large part of the game and will effect a lot, so I would advise avoiding that as well.

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-Yes, you can be an Archer/Thief/Assasin, you won't have any problem leveling all the skills you want, the only thing is that, as far as I understant, you have only 50 perks to choose, so if you pick the wrong perks you may get undermatched, but that's really hard since they are not 3, they're 50, and they're all usefull.

-My main character in oblivion was the one you want to make now, it was a stealthy archer with mastery in alchemy, playing like one of these, I spammed invisibility (ilussion) a lot, because, I didn't saw much ways to hide in a tight passage (like in a dungeon), it was very fun anyway, you don't have to fight every foe you find, that makes you feel that you're "in control" of the situation, and, when the time to kill comes, you poison your bow with an "Extreme deadly poison" and watch your foe die in seconds, the main Idea of a stealth character is fight smartly and when you have the advantage, so you won't get the chance to fight 3 baddies, you'll just cloack yourself, get away, and search for a good spot for a kill, but if you're fighting them face to face, is all shooting and running, note that stealth hits deal more damage than common.

-About the book thing, I don't know, I think you have to read them to pick them, if that's the case, just miss them, they aren't very priced anyway.

-The Main quest IS the visit to the Greybeards, unless you go there you won't advance on the main quest, the civil war is a side quest.

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Thanks for the answers :)


BarefootWarrior, reading what you said made me realise one thing.. i will never be able to "feel" a character if i keep calculating everything in a try to mathematicaly make the "best" character. Although there is some kind of level scaling, i have to keep in mind that my character (which is actualy myself when i play) doesn't know about that, and would never think "damn i shouldn't learn it or my ennemies will become stronger". So, you made me realise something that will make my role-playing through Skyrim much more enjoyable.. sinceraly, thank you :)

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Thanks for the answers :)


BarefootWarrior, reading what you said made me realise one thing.. i will never be able to "feel" a character if i keep calculating everything in a try to mathematicaly make the "best" character. Although there is some kind of level scaling, i have to keep in mind that my character (which is actualy myself when i play) doesn't know about that, and would never think "damn i shouldn't learn it or my ennemies will become stronger". So, you made me realise something that will make my role-playing through Skyrim much more enjoyable.. sinceraly, thank you :)


Well thank you and you are quite welcome. You made me aware of something too..I guess I do play as I would myself, just never thought about in those terms. I learn by my mistakes and in this game, I made a of them. Have fun and enjoy the game. :thumbsup:

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Hello again !


So i made a stealthy Nord. Bad race choice in term of skills i know, but it was for some RP purpose :)


And again.. i got some more questions.


1- How does the stealth skill increase exactly ? Sneaking on hostiles ? Sneaking on any NPC ? Performing an attack while stealthed ?

2- Are the damage localized ? When i aim at an ennemy with my bow, do i have to aim for the head, or it doesn't matter at all ?

3- If i'm invisible from a spell/potion, will i still get the same damage multiplier as if i was in stealth mode ?

4- When i level up, should i get more health, or more stamina ? I can't figure out what stamina is supposed to do exactly, beside preventing me from dooing power attacks and sprinting..

5- It's easier to sneak while unarmored then with light armor, is that right ? It is easier to sneak with only a leather chest than with a full leather armor ? Does the type of boots (cloth vs leather) count for much ? Does every light armor got the same "sneak penality" ? (elven scales vs leather, for exemple)

6- I've read that it's easier to sneak in shadows/dark places. Does it mean it's much easier to sneak at night ? (while outside)

7- I can't figure out how poisons works. Im i supposed to put it on my dagger/arrow ? How long does it last ?


And now some other questions not directly related to my character..


8- What does it do exactly to increase a skill, beside unlocking perks ? I mean, if i level up my Archery from 17 to 19, does it mean i will hit harder with arrows ?

9- If i sharpen a blade with smithing (making it "fine"), does it last forever ?


And i'm sorry if many of these questions seems to be easily findable over the internet, but the last time i actualy searched for answers, i ended up reading bad spoilers :(


Edit: 2 more questions.


10- Can i own more than 1 horse ? Or if i buy a 2nd, the first one will disapear ?

11- Same question about houses. And about houses, can i safely store items in there, without any chance for it to disapear ? (if yes, anywhere in my house or only the chest ?)

Edited by salawow
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1: IDK

2: Damages are not localized, hitting them anywhere is the same.

3: Only if your also in stealth mode.

4: This one is about personal preference, i get more stamina so i can GTFO if sh*t goes down, some people might want more health to deal with said sh*t.

5: It's all relative to the weight of your armor in total (i think, probably wrong)

6: Definetly

7: Stays on your weapon till you attack with it. Put it on your dagger and bow.

8: ummm.....


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At a lower level i wouldn't bother wearing boots unless they improve your stealth, but i also like to RP crazed people who throw their shoes at people......


and of course I don't wear boots unless I have to...heh :whistling:




8 archery... not necessarily, you advance any skill through the perks as far as I can tell. Maybe some one else will know more about this then I.


10 horses.. have no clue, I own Shadowmere...and other then getting in the way sometimes, he is a fighter and will go after an enemy if he is there. But, he can be killed...just so ya know. I tend to leave him most of the time.


11 houses.... yes, you can store your items in the house safely. I own a house in Whiterun and it suits me fine, it was also the least expensive. You will have to buy new furnishings for it, but until then, you can drop your items on the floor.

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