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Which companion do you have acompany you and why?


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I've had Faendal since first setting foot in Riverwood(?) and I'm level 21 now, so he's been around. He has died on me a couple of times, but it's not too big of a deal, since loading an old save can "resurrect" him. :happy: *damn frosttrolls* :rolleyes:


He is good with bows, and the Dwarwen shield/sword combo I've given him has saved him quite a few times. Plus he wears whatever armor I give him.

I belive that some of the followers can't change armor, right?

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I went thru many so far, the only one that has stuck with me (less annoying) is Mjoll. Her best attribute is her preferred weapon is a 2 handed, which makes her fighting static in one spot the best for me (Bow is my weapon of choice). Give her a life stealing weapon and she never goes down. All the others either don't tank or move around way to much (in and out of my firing lanes) and it gets them or me killed.
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None, my stealth is mighty and bow aims true, companions just get in the way and make my job twice as hard as need be. If i were to choose to venture out with a companion in future it would be Lydia but i would be sure to give her fully enchanted dragon/daedra armour and weapons first and maybe 1 or 2 useful spells so she can heal herself and leave me to do my job.
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Cicero is a member of the Dark Brotherhood. He is "The Keeper" meaning he is not an assassin, but instead responsible for the care of the Night Mother's body and casket, but as my buddy i make him wear an execution bag on his head (dont like looking at his face, but want him to be stealthy). he is good with a dagger or my fav for him sword/ staff (he kills my dragons for me lol). he is stealthy but if he thinks i will be seen he aggros the baddies.Cicero talks a lot but hes is the best!
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