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Oblivion Reloaded too bright


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Got pretty... strange bug which I don't sure how to fix. After taking screenshot with steam(Purge is turned off in OR) I ended up with game looking like that.



Reloading game doesn't help, starting new game doesn't help. Even reinstalling OR doesn't help and I cant find any info about it in readme(I'm not even sure what to look for...)

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That happened to me when I accidentally opened the Steam overlay some time ago. I usually have it disabled, and I disabled it again after that, so it has not been an issue. Maybe one workaround would be to disable the Steam overlay? It is what I have done - I have no use for any of that stuff in-game, in any game.

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There are some HDR settings that can be tweaked too. When I get home tomorrow I'll see what I have in my notes on my gaming computer.
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Sorry I didn't get around to this until now ... here's a copy/paste of the text file I have (can't recall where I got these settings from, probably a post on here some time ago):


[blurShaderHDRInterior] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 2.2500 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.2500
fBrightRadius = 7.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.5000
[blurShaderHDR] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 1.5000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.5000
fBrightRadius = 4.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.0000
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  • 4 months later...

Game was nice dark when I saved.

Exited (had a break).

Later on I started the game again, opened Steam overlay in main menu for a moment, closed it and loaded up the new game.

Bang! All bright!

Searched on Google, ended up here.


Restarted the game and I did not open the Steam overlay this time.

Still too bright!


Disabled Steam overlay as a whole.

All back to normal.


Thanks for the tips!

Edited by demarnem
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