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What female body mod should I make an armor for?


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I'm looking into making a new armor mod to expand upon the weapon mod I recently released and I was wondering about female body mods since I assume Robert2's body popularity is a given. So, is HGEC the best body to make female armor for? It sure appears to be the all-time favorite female body mod, but I want to be sure before committing that there's no better, more recent option people are starting to use.


And, if HGEC is the best option, should I use the meshes in the main file as template for the armor or should I download the MGEC file from the miscellaneous whose description reads: "This version can be used to make armors & clothing, it features smaller wrists and ankles." ? It would seem like an easy choice, but that file hasn't been updated since March 2008 while the main file is from May 2009. I'm looking for advice from people who've already done some armor for the game if possible.




EDIT: the file I'm referring to in the second paragraph is the one found here (third one from the bottom).

Edited by ASnakeNeverDies
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Look into the Seamless series by Junkacc11 and SetBody Reloaded by Movomo. There are template resources available for making your own seamless items.


What are you looking for ... downloads or loving.


If you want downloads go with HGEC ... if you want loving go with Roberts female and the followers of that body will worship the ground you walk on.

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