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Difficult Game?


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Red means they're negatively affected by a poison (usually only short term) or disease. Go to a chapel in a city and activate the main central altar (not the small ones around the sides of the room).
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Okay, let's see. Sorry for not posting back, last night was the last day of arena season 10 in WoW and we tried for 2200. We failed hard and went down all the way to 1850 rating and lost the Rival title. :( So yes, indeed I am a wowplayer - been playing more or less since vanilla. And yes, I have seen the new expansion, I think it looks ridicilous and will not be playing it. :P


Consecration isn't something that's unique to the WoW Paladin, though, nor is "Lay on Hands" and similar skills - you'll find them in plenty of other RPGs. I believe the agreed definition of a "Paladin" would be something along the lines of a heavyily armored knight (Think Knights Templar) with abilities to heal and protect himself and his allies. But Paladins are also, due to their "holy and righteous" nature often very good at combating Undead and "Evil" creatures, (Turn Undead, Excorsism, Consecration etc) and plenty of those skills resemble Destruction skills, imo. You could limit yourself to only using "On Touch" effect spells for more realism. :) But that being said, noone can tell you what to play and how to play it, the most important thing is that you are having fun. :)


Red means they're negatively affected by a poison (usually only short term) or disease. Go to a chapel in a city and activate the main central altar (not the small ones around the sides of the room).


Indeed. Go to Chapels in cities to cure it, and also buy the spell "Cure Disease" and/or "Cure Poison" when you have a chance. Also try to purchase/create a spell to restore each of your attributes, since sometimes the attribute has been damaged, and then only curing what caused that damage (the disease) wont be enough.


Your HP looks decent for your level, but your agility is VERY low. Agility can effect how often monsters "stagger" you, i.e. hit you hard enough to make your character unable to fight back for a few seconds. This can be disastrous, so I'd recommend raising it abit. Also, since you wondered what power attacks are - have you even read the manual? You can find good and clear discriptions of how the combat in the game works there. Further more I'd recommend you read through this guide on the UESP: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Swordplay


The sideways powerattack is very effective, it does a lot of damage and has a chance of disarming opponents, though it's only 5% in vanilla Oblivion. If you manage to disarm an opponent, you can actually quickly grab his weapon and thus force him to fight unarmed for the remainder of the fight. This wont work against creatures though since they do not use weapons. :P Keep in mind that power attacks are slow and leave you open, so you need to use them sparingly, when you see an oppertunity. The backwards powerattack is indeed the hardest to land successfully, what I do is I get as close as possible to the enemy and THEN use it.


Enchanting your weapon is also highly recommended. If you cannot enchant yet, try to find an enchanted weapon from enemies. A simple sword that does 10 extra fire damage would be a huge advantage for you versus the aforementioned trolls, for example. As a melee - and you have played WoW so you should know this - you are heavily dependant on your gear. The damage you can do is directly related to what weapon you are using and the damage you can take is related to what armor you are wearing. The Blades armor is a decent, mid level set, but I would strongly recommend getting your hands on Dwarven or Orcish armor as soon as possible.


I think thats it. Don't be afraid to ask if there's anything you are unclear about. Good luck! :) Finally, Striker, you disgust me. I am going to go give my cat a big hug now. :P

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ROTFLMAO ... see I just knew it would come, and I even said that I haven't touched a kitty with 'intent to skin'. Thanks for the paladin definition NocturneNight. It's pretty well in line with what my uninformed impression was.


After looking through your swordplay link I'd like to modify one of my recommendations. If you are going to enchant a bladed weapon with Absorb Health use either a shortsword or dagger (a fine steel shortsword would provide good weapon damage and decent weapon speed for the weight). For absorb health to work you need to stay close to your opponent for the duration of the spell effect, as if you move too far back the absorb effect breaks off. A Latent Sigil Stone (available for levels 9 thru 12) has a 15 health points absorb, and the Ascendent stone has 20 points (which will be available on your next level up). A trick to getting the sigil stone you'd prefer when cl;osing a gate is to save right before you grab the stone. When you get the message about the stone being added to your inventory open your inventory to see which stone you received (they are random, determined when you grab the stone). If you don't like the one you got just load your save and try again.


Weapon enchantments don't get around the recharge costs you mention in your other thread. Something that will give a similar effect without recharge costs is to enchant armor or clothing. Using that same sigil stone on a pair of gauntlets would give you a 20 point fortify health (25 if you wait one level). I enchanted some zero weight permanent bound armor for Martin that way, and reverse pickpocketed it onto him for the Great Gate quest. Never did get the armor back mind you, but he didn't die before I got into the Great Gate (and he was determined to try dying).

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ROTFLMAO ... see I just knew it would come, and I even said that I haven't touched a kitty with 'intent to skin'.


Well, I found it disgusting to merely read through. :P But the comment was partly written in jest because you mentioned it yourself. Don't worry, no harm, no foul. :)

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I kind of figured your disgust was real + feigned. Maybe I should edit that post with a disclaimer in big letters at the top ... No kitties where harmed in the posting of this post. :tongue:
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I made a custom Paladin class (Strength, Personality, skills: Armourer, Blade, Block, Heavy Armour, Speechcraft, Restoration, Athletics). I'm now level 12.


Am I doing something terribly wrong, or can this game be frustratingly hard at times?


For example, I just decided to explore the Quickwater Cave north of Cheydinhall. Near the very beginning of the cave I'm accosted by two creatures that look like Shambling Moulds (http://cdn3.leadfigures.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/OtherworldWE11ShamblingMound.jpg). I manage to lose one, and battle the other for a good 5 minutes (bringing it only to about 95% health!).


Previously I went into an Oblivion Gate I also found near Cheydinhall. And although I was able to clear it, I had to stop and rest after just about every enemy.


I'm using the full set of Blades armour, the Akaviri Katana, and a couple of magic items.



Is every encounter in this game supposed to be an epic encounter?


It almost seems the game is designed to be played assuming the characters will read meta-game information in advance (ie: reading forums, cheats, etc).


Note: I'd sooner not use the command console to heal myself, kill enemies, or otherwise gain any advantage.


If I were you, I'd start on Dark Brotherhood/Fighters Guild to gain some money, then I would buy a nice enchanted weapon and some good armor too.


If you wanted, you could always start a new character, it's always a last resort though, I have a few skill suggestions to add to your current build:


Hand to Hand (Helps when you don't have any other option, and pretending to be Rocky Balboa is always cool, eh?)

Mercantile (Can help a LOT with beating down the prices of heavy enchanted armor with a metal stick.)

Marksman (Secondary Combat option for a Combat kind of class, always good damage-wise with a good Agility and Speed.)


So far, I think you're doing pretty good, I'd also recommend raiding Rockmilk Cave a couple of times, full of bandits and has three bosses inside, you can get huge amount of moolah from the enchanted weapons and armor that they have there.


Out of curiosity, what quests are you planning to do? I can recommend a few of them to you that would help you get great equipment.

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A key strategy with Rockmilk is don't wade in there swinging. You walk in on an already started battle between bandits and marauders. Sneak into the shadows, sit back and let them thin out their numbers. Even the survivors will be a bit chewed up. I had huge piles of weapons and armors outside the cave after the battles, with my guy hot footing it back and forth to Leyawiin with as much as he could carry. That cave is a gold factory.
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I know that Oblivion is very slow to level your character, you have to do a lot of training to get your skills up to master level. And even time consuming to find the master trainers. Somewhere along the way, I eventually used the console cheats to get my character to where I wanted him, mainly for the magic ones which I could care less. But, I play mainly a non-magic Paladin, so to speak, just having some powerful spells handy if need be, the best weapon is Anduril by Kohdi Anduril - Flame of the West , this weapon does not need any enchantments. And just as I was looking up the link, I came across Anduril Reforged which I have not used yet, but seems very interesting. The best armor for a paladin is from the mod Lost Paladins of the Divines . You won't be disappointed in either of these, fun quests to obtain the items.
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I know that Oblivion is very slow to level your character, you have to do a lot of training to get your skills up to master level. And even time consuming to find the master trainers. Somewhere along the way, I eventually used the console cheats to get my character to where I wanted him, mainly for the magic ones which I could care less. But, I play mainly a non-magic Paladin, so to speak, just having some powerful spells handy if need be, the best weapon is Anduril by Kohdi Anduril - Flame of the West , this weapon does not need any enchantments. And just as I was looking up the link, I came across Anduril Reforged which I have not used yet, but seems very interesting. The best armor for a paladin is from the mod Lost Paladins of the Divines . You won't be disappointed in either of these, fun quests to obtain the items.


What level can Wendelbek be completed at? I installed the mod, found the ruin, and the very first wold inside has proven too much for me. I'm 16th now.

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I know that Oblivion is very slow to level your character, you have to do a lot of training to get your skills up to master level. And even time consuming to find the master trainers. Somewhere along the way, I eventually used the console cheats to get my character to where I wanted him, mainly for the magic ones which I could care less. But, I play mainly a non-magic Paladin, so to speak, just having some powerful spells handy if need be, the best weapon is Anduril by Kohdi Anduril - Flame of the West , this weapon does not need any enchantments. And just as I was looking up the link, I came across Anduril Reforged which I have not used yet, but seems very interesting. The best armor for a paladin is from the mod Lost Paladins of the Divines . You won't be disappointed in either of these, fun quests to obtain the items.


What level can Wendelbek be completed at? I installed the mod, found the ruin, and the very first wold inside has proven too much for me. I'm 16th now.


I remember completing it at about Level 20 or so, if you have the right equipment with good health and sorcery potions, along with a healing spell, you can easily get to the end of Wendelbek.

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