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Keeping fov at 90


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Hmm, I've been trying to do this since release, and it's not easy.


My fov keeps resetting from 90 back to 75.

I've did the cheat, and went into skills menu, then exited menu, and saved. This ensures that the next load up keeps it at 90.

However, looking at the map resets it.

I've tried entering the values under skyrim.ini




bur ro no avail. Anyone have any info on how to keep this permanent please?

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

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Try using the console command - fov 90 - (or whatever fov you prefer) it seems to carry over between sessions for me but simple enough to do at each game start anyway.


Well I have to do this every so often too, sometimes it carries over and other times it doesn't I'm hoping there is a permanent solution to this so you do not have to keep entering this console command ;)


For now I keep using the console command when the field of view changes on me.

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