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Jarl Mod


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I'm spinning ideas right now so this will be random. Fair warning. Give opinions, edits and addons, please.



Imagine being Jarl of a city or town. You're charged with managing taxes, military, politics, diplomacy, conquest, wars and so on.




Upgrade your army's health, speed, regeneration, unit types, etc. This increases chances of winning wars, defending your city, cities, and territory. By means of tax money and whatnot = a need to generate tax income from managing rates, city population, industry, raids, wars, etc.

- Unite types as in, I have 20 men, 3 war dogs, 1 giant.



Raid towns, cities and whatnot for gold, special upgrades for your city and army, etc. This can either be done through an interface i.e. (Select [raid] [town]... "Your army has succeeded and brought back the following!..."


Or if we want to get real complicated; we utilize unit spawning (Edit their stats according to your upgrades, etc) and literally stand beside your army and raid the town. Which would probably consist of travelling to said place and killing a set amount of soliders or waves. Then you get a reward and travel home and have a jolly time.


Expand territory and influence, tax civilizations within your domain. Example would be say you're based in Riften and you control Riverwood. You can control how to tax Riverwood, request soldier conscription, increase defenses, etc.


You can view enemy and friendly territories on the map. Visually you would see an area enclosed by a coloured border. The map is broken down into sections, like... territories. This is so you can visually understand. "Okay, Whiterun's neutral, let's take it over", something like that.


Invest in industries like farming, mining, forging, trading, caravaning, defense, etc. These investments grow and you make more and more industrial income and upgrades. Upgrades would come from say your mining industry getting new ore allowing better amour and weapons. Farming gives you larger population maximums, etc.


Even if you conquer all of Skyrim, outside rivals from the rest of Tamriel will keep you busy with maintaining your territory.

Edited by Sokarix
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A brilliant idea for after the Stormcloak/Imperial quest line, Im sure it would be possible with the CK but take a lot of time, effort and commitment to implement. Id definitely give it a try though.lement. Id definitely give it a try though.:dance: Edited by TheSuey
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If You Just Made Your Own Empire : First Quest - Retrieve The Jugged Crown ( You Would Go To The Dungeon Where The Crown Is , Fight The Stormcloaks And The Imperials , Take The Crown , And In Later If You Succed Conquering Skyrim , Become High King And Wear It .. o.O !!!
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