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Any good tutorials for custom static meshes?


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I've been wanting to make a mod that basically adds a stack of gold and other metal bars that can be build in the building menu as a sort of display of wealth but i haven't really been able to find any good tutorials on making a static mesh work in fallout 4, I have a few premade ones already but would likely spend time learning in blender and making my own but the biggest thing is exporting it to a workign .nif with textures, and the collision mesh and everything. Anyone know of any good tutorials I could use to learn this?

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I don't think u can export working nifs from blender at the time being... So it could be u don't find any tutorials for it. The only way I know is from 3ds max 2013.

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There's already a gold bar in the game so all you have to do is stack them, ctrl+Lclick each bar, then Rclick and make static collection. For anything else you can just use any similar collision using this method.

Yea but i wanted to make the gold and other metal bars more realistic shaped, more rectangular/flat shaped on the top instead of pointed, I actually managed to find some good general blender tutorials so ive decided to just basically start from scratch with blender, that link for the collision will definitely be helpful though so thanks for that =)

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