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Useable Firearms?


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Seeing as how this game is designed to be played in first person prespective I'd say guns are an absolute MUST. As great as Skyrim is the first person melee combat is just garbage. It's not the designer/developer's fault, they have done the best they could for what it is. It's just not a fun style of play, never has been, never will be. Every time I see a game come out with first person melee I want to drive to the dev's house and slap them. First person gameplay is meant for shooter's aka using guns.


If Zenimax/bethesda would just suck it up and create a true 3rd person combat experience for melee this game would easily go down as one of, if not THE, greatest game ever made. But until then.... Gimme my P90C urban assault rifle!.


Oh, as for guns being OP'd, I think that would be an super easy fix. Just use the same formula for bow and arrow as gun and bullet. So, a gun does X base dmg + X bullet type dmg. So say the gun does 5 base dmg + 3 bullet dmg = equalling 8 total dmg per hit. Then all's the modder's gotta do it decide the rate of fire. I'd probly go with something like 1 shot per sec or something just to keep it simple.


PS: I just wanna run around skyrim as Masterchief while rocking the assualt rifle and lobbing grenades at everything in sight, is that so wrong? /tear


Albeit I do personally love First Person Shooters, I would have to keep my own personal preference of a semi-automatic high powered rifle out of this game :P


I do love using good, solid, powerful firearms, but I also disagree; the combat in this game is actually what attracted me to it, it was *different* from the CoD and Battlefield series. As I said in the beginning of the forum, I used to play Fantasy RPGs all the time, but over the years, mainly due to a crappy PC, i've stuck to console FPS games. Now that I have this, I would like to include a *small* part of my firearms preferences to the game, but not to the extent of modern firearms.


I can almost guarantee that a modder out there agrees with your statement, and may actually include guns of that level, so I do support your point of view, but my personal preference for this game would be to add a simple, basic firearm.

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A firearm with ammunition not being deadly is uncommon but acceptable... first reason is that they are wearing armor... second reason is in reality if you are shot you can survive given that you arent shot in a vital area, die from bleeding... third reason current health roleplaying


Example... Fallout3 was a try to merge rpg with shooter... although with a few incosistencies towards realistic impact... even 'classical' shooter often fail in that perspective... 'Get hit by a bullet... regenerate??? get hit by another... regenerate???' so one can not really have had any measurement of what is realistic or not by wanting another games realism implemented... one has to create/change a new/the realistic world based on the genre...

since this is a magic 'fantasy' world... you could say the current health is the aura made of the lifeenergy of the characters (eastern principle of ki, qi...) and that the dragonborns aura is special in several instances... giving possibilities of new changes still in line with the genre (lore friendly [doesnt mean submitting to lore])...


The possibility for a firearm with magic either from soulstones (or from yourself... both are 'good to go')... as there is magic ingame and (both) only need balancing through limitations... could be rare weapongear


A Oneshot kill pistol (for midlevel opponents) [only for the character] could be created making use of ammunition and the power of a soulstone... being an artefact not known by anyone 'due to an unknown reason it was left inside a magical box protected by magic and a passwort (puzzle) inside an old forgotten dwemer city' making it an epic weapon not craftable... while various pistols and rifles could be craftable... limited by damage made, shots fired after another, reloading time... as other weapons and armors able to be upgraded or downgraded with use...

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Seeing as how this game is designed to be played in first person prespective I'd say guns are an absolute MUST. As great as Skyrim is the first person melee combat is just garbage. It's not the designer/developer's fault, they have done the best they could for what it is. It's just not a fun style of play, never has been, never will be. Every time I see a game come out with first person melee I want to drive to the dev's house and slap them. First person gameplay is meant for shooter's aka using guns.



Stop talking nonesens would you?


In a long long ago era, First Person gameplay was the only gameplay for 80% of the RPG's...,First Person PoV wasn't at all made for shooters games..., its a genre that came Later with Doom, Wolfenstein and Quack...


Before that nearly all the RPG's in the early 80's,be it with actual graphics or text based was in a FP PoV...


I am in favor of a Gun/Flintlock mod, but that "Master Chief" nonesens...


How this character who is the most Souless and Charsima-less Protagonist i've ever seen(even Crash Bandicoot as more charisma!), did become this famous,...it's beyond me...

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Could be done, remodel bow to gun, arrow to bullet, do a little animation fixing, and bam, got your gun. I would do it but... im just so damn lazy

Not quite. You'd need:


2 animations. One of the hand and and one of the gun actually moving like a gun does.

a complicated script: To make the bullet actally dammage the target and all. Arrows are hard coded, so we'd need to probably script that in, as in Oblivion.


Basically, it is not simply "Turn arrow to bullet, speed it up, and tweak animation" - and even that is hard, since animation isself is hard. Not to mention we'd need to be able to export smooth animation to Skyrim, which I doubt we can. Last time we could do that, was with 3ds max 8 and earlier. The CIV exporter was used then, but is outdated. It is more work than that.

Heck, I could model you guys 20 guns, but I won't: Because I can't be arsed having to learn to script, and animate, and debug this for a few weeks untill it works. That is too much technical, and too little artistic, for me.

Perhasps when the CK is out and we know our limits, and I find some decent scripter and animator, I might decide to make some soul stone guns with a hint of dwemer ;)

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i saw some firearm attempts for oblivion a few years ago and it was totally wrong and whack! (youtube if u really wanna see how big the fail was)


and besides that its also like playing age of empires with that laser gun or car cheat (haha, remember those? )


the only long distance weapon besides the bow would be the catapult and crossbow , and crossbow the only one between the 2 that u can actually carry. I agree with the crossbow, id love to have it, but that would take a lot of animation modding also so my hopes are near zero absolute

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Flintlock Rifle, Flintlock Pistol, Blunderbuss, Double-Barrel Shotgun (especially effective against undead), .44 Magnum Revolver .50 cal anti-material rifle, guided missiles(Fall to me, Dragon) I don't care anything other than the goddamn bow and arrow! damn targets stand still but once i fire the arrow they move and my shot buries its self harmlessly in the dirt I would just deal with crossbows if they were in game of course if Beth had them in Morrowind and kept the crossbow in other games like oblivion and skyrim less work all around even for the gun-nuts like me and modders all around (the grip and a reloading animations would be worked out) just add mesh/textures & sounds


Now if you excuse me <picks up a guided missile launcher> I'm gonna go get me a dragon =)

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True, crossbows were in Morrowind, dwemer crossbows to be precise ( and there weren't dwemer bows...) so it's already "lore friendly"!.


For those that say "after 2k years no development!" well, this is a FANTASY world, we have magic, gods and dragons...i think the inhabitants of tamriel have no need for firepower research :tongue:


Another story, ihmo, is for steampower! In Dwemer ruins we can see many steam-pistons and tubes...maybe a kind of weapon based on steam? Like an air compressed tube (aka air rifle). As said by many completely unreliable, hits like a granny with an eye-patch :pirate: ...but it hurts like an arrow to the knee.

Edited by sosoba
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Unless it is dwemer made and heavy, I don't quite see how or why


I'd much rather have dwemer crossbow that shoots explosives.


edit: I was shocked that this thread was still going so finally opened it and read the first two posts.


omg look at that, the last post is replying to the very idea I just posted about.


Heh, owell.



The steam powered gun is a neat concept. Use unrelenting force as your script..

Edited by Sagenth
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