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Problems with Sound files/ need help!


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So, what happened was I installed the predator mod, and it didn't work. after this, I installed it manually and it worked for a bit until I refreshed a saved game, then I started getting texture messages saying that the textures weren't there. Now I'm a big boy and I can deal with not having a mod...however... now every time I try to load a saved game, I get a message saying the the Data Files/ TQM/ SothaLandwav not found.

I need to know how to fix this...


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Get a Grep tool (I use Textcrawler) and use it to search your *.ES? files for the string "SothaLand", that should at least identify the problem plugin and you can see if it's been installed right. Can't think what the "TQM" abbreviation is for, maybe Antares' Tribunal Main Quest mod..?


Woah. Go me. Yes it is that mod.

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