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To those who are Re-texturing weap/armors


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When you're finished the texture is it not possible to save it as a new texture all together?


So that when I'm adding new items using TES I can either choose between the original or custom textures?


Adds more variety in the game...


Please get back to me asap.. as I'm working on a mod that will add close to double the amount of crafted items in the game. :)


Thanks... I'm constantly refreshing this topic awaiting replies :P

Edited by reptoon
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Yes it's possible. though armor is a more complicated ck entry.. but I think it's been done a few times now. weapons are easier.


Thanks for the quick answer.


Do you know if there are any guides on adding new textures to the game as separate?


Even if its just a small color difference, it will make my mod much better in a sense that it feels like there is a ton more items in the game.


Once I get a hold of making a texture and saving it properly... I should be able to use the editor to add new items and just choose that model with no problem.

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I do not believe there is anything you can do in regards to that, not without the construction set anyway, which has yet to be released. The easiest way to do this is to simply create a duplicate of the weapon with an altered texture, and slip it into the leveled lists alongside the original. They're may or may not be a way to create versions of the exact same weapon with different textures, but that would probably be the harder option. Regardless, the CS is required, sorry.
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I do not believe there is anything you can do in regards to that, not without the construction set anyway, which has yet to be released. The easiest way to do this is to simply create a duplicate of the weapon with an altered texture, and slip it into the leveled lists alongside the original. They're may or may not be a way to create versions of the exact same weapon with different textures, but that would probably be the harder option. Regardless, the CS is required, sorry.


Actually that is pretty much what I meant to say.



Currently I have the Iron set done that are named: Hardened Iron Helmet

Mats to make such an item requires a new item called: Hardened Iron Ingot

And items to make Hardened Iron Ingot are already in the game.


The (H) Iron Helmet take on the role of its counter part, Iron Helmet with upgraded stats.


All I want it to take on is a new texture.


So if I brought a Vanilla Iron Helmet texture into a program and re-textured it. Is it possible to just save that texture under a new name -

and apply it to a duplicated item?

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Again, no. The model and the texture can be duplicated, but the actual data for the weapon is in the .esm file, which can be edited to an extent with third party programs, but adding new things is a feature reserved for the construction set.


But but but...


If the texture and model can be duplicated then it should work the way I need it too.. I'll try and explain again sorry.


Duplicate a model / texture

Add a different color to texture

Save texture with a new name.


Go into TES

Duplicate the item that we just duplicated a texture for

Re-name the new item to something unique and choose that new texture

Make that new item craftable


Save and load game

Should be on the list with the new texture



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Textures are called from the NIF files. You would need to duplicate and rename the mesh and then point that new mesh to the new textures within that NIF.



I knew it was possible after seeing those enchanted arrows.

This makes sense. I'm actually editing a .nif right now.


Thanks. This makes me happy :)

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