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Who is your favorite mod author(s)?


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So who are your favorite mod authors? You can name one or a dozen! Doesnt matter! They all deserve praise but i want to know who you think are the greatest or most influential or simply have a mod you like a lot.
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Icecreamassassin from legacy of the dragonborn and everyone who made his/her mod available for legacy of the dragonborn
Hothtrooper in special for having my favorite armor and weapon mods (also available for legacy of the dragonborn).

Every other author who made great weapon/armor packs I used a lot.

The authors of ELFX, Cot and Truevision.

The maker(s) of SKSE (without them we couldn't mod in this extent)

The author of realvision (I don't use it, but his messages and mod recommendations helped a lot finding new ones I still use)

Every author that was kind enough to let me review their player home (toppdogg, Cirena, Aragorn58, daedrastep, skyrimlazz, gg and many more.) Ld50365, Chrishpz and Whitemorn in special for helping me out with things.

SmartBluecat, Emma Amgepo and Lycantroph from inigo and Vilja

Jk and bluepiano from jk skyrim and dawn of skyrim.

And I really feel like I'm forgetting some authors in special

Every Author who uploads their mods and made my Skyrim more enjoyable (or stable) deserves the respect really. :smile:
Thanks for all what you do.

I gues a bit offtopic, but without them I wouldn't have found some said mods/authors and I generally enjoy watching them (Youtubers MXR and Zaric Zhakaron)

Edited by laiilaiiheii
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IsharaMeradin, lofgren, cdcooley, CDM and others that are helpful in the CK section.

Hanaisse, Tamira for their mesh help.

All modders that make quest mods, their mods are on a different level knowing they'll never be able to enjoy the mod to its full capacity and adding a new story to playthrough.

The maker of holds has the best attitude.

EnaiSiaion is the most dedicated. Maybe SureAI is a little more dedicated :P

There are so many others but those are the first that come to my head.

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Grimey and meh. Being able to hotkey and cast spells without unequipping weapons was revolutionary, as this was one of the biggest gripes I had with the vanilla game. Grimey fixed that with his grimey utilities mod. meh created the crash fixes mod which revolutionizes the play ability of the game. I also give props to mator for mator smash as that is really awesome, and the guy who made the autodetect bash settings script for tes5edit. so many talented authors who have so charitably shared their creative talents. may God bless them all.

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