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Random Fun in Skyrim?


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Great thread, thanks guys!


-ask someone(my sister usually falls for this) to spend some time with you and let them talk for minutes(personal record is half an hour), while you play the game and pretend to listen to them. When they stop, a simple "aha" or to motivate them a little say "aha, go on".

-if you're a smoker, light a cigar and play, but try to keep the ahses from falling as much as you can. I never got to end of my cigar, the game is to distractive and I forget, lol...but it's fun.

-if you're allowed to drink, get drunk and play, that's even better, but make sure you save first(I tell from experience)

-turn off the music and play any other songs you like(winamp or other programs you use)

-if you're good at drawing, this game has some nice views and things to draw, so grab a pencil, pause the game and start drawing

-download and install that SWEARING MUDCRAB MOD and get drunk after; a word of advice, if you react violent to alcohol, don't install the mod...

-I don't know if it's posible, but I know for sure you can name your horse, find the console command required and change NPCs names(Chuck Norris and Sailor Moon(sp?) are my personal favourites)

-other stuff, trust your mind, you will be amazed what things you can find inside it.


Good luck and let us know if any of these work for you

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