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Strange issue going on with start up screen and loadscreens


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I really do not know what the issue is. Earlier today I downloaded the arrowsmith mod along with Skyrim Improved Performance just so I could try them out and see if they work well or not. Well, as soon as I installed SIP and started up the game, what you see in the image is what I see. Notice the symbol is now reddish instead of silver, and picture all the load screens having a reddish tint to their model. But nothing is changed in the game at all. I run this game maxed with great performance, but for some reason I downloaded this hoping that it would remove pointless stutter here and there when pulling up the game and so on. Well this is what I got.


The mod came in the form of a d3d9.dll. Well I deleted that and replaced it with what I had previously and generated myself a new .ini to no avail. Pretty stupid for this to still keep happening. And even though it is not game breaking, it is so very annoying. And also, my map is screwed up as well. Everything is blotchy and unrendered. Pretty much my map looks like crappy LOD with mapmarkers instead of the crisp pretty landscape that I used to be able to see. Thanks for your time, and sorry about the bother.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If none can be provided, then I guess I will just have to reinstall when the next patch comes out and deal with it until then. Thanks.



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I had this by using a "bat ugrid9" console command related to a txt file, it was supposely enhancing this setting.


So it does this red issue and transform my skyrim.ini so it is now 42k instead of 2k and has way much values in it some very interresting anyway.


So i compressed ithis big new ini (just in case) in a rar after copied wich new values interrest me in my old Ini ( the only i can remember now is bBloodSplatterEnabled=1 wich can stop splatter on screen after you get hit ot even a very usefull setting wich is UseHardDriveCache=1)


Anyway after i delete this new ini and put instead my backup ini ( allway do backups of ini files before changing ANYTHING) customized with new values from the big ini the red issue was solved.


Hope it helps.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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Interesting. I will definitely see what I can do. Thanks for the tip Monkey. Also, where is it that you got your .ini edited to different values so that I can follow the same path you did. Just in case the plan I have doesn't work.


Thanks for your time.



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