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Coffee_Grinds Exclusive interview with SureAI/Nicolas(AUG26)


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Hello Enderaleans!

I'm Robmo from the twitch channel Coffee_Grinds, a lax Canadian gaming channel.

Nicolas Samuel Lietzau has agreed to come onto our show for Enderal for an Interview and questions!! As a fan of SureAI, and Enderal this is an exciting opportunity! I wanted to invite the community to the event to get as many viewers as possible to support this!

The event is on August 26th, at 7am Mountain/8am Central @ www.twitch.tv/Coffee_Grinds

If you want to give yourself a reminder or share here is the FB event page for it;

or reminders here,

If you are interested in seeing some of Coffee_Grinds Gaming Enderal videos, who can go here (just raw cuts from the twitch channel, nothing special)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jUAD0r ... BaKgp8rE4Q

I wanted to use the forum as an opportunity for Community questions! If you have something I want to ask Nic/Staff about Enderal or SureAi, post them here!

Thanks for the support and enjoy the game and interview!!

Edited by Robmokron
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Very little about this makes it look like spam. Your report was hasted and wasted.

i didnt report it. i almost did because it looked like typical livestream stuff... i mean i understand it was probably just me, but whatever. i still wouldnt know what the thread was exactly about based on the title because i dont know who any of the named people are without reading the first post. whatever i guess, i mean it isnt a huge issue but i felt as though i should mention something as this is something i (to some extent nothing against the guy but i am not really into interview things normally) and several others would be intrested in and you dont want to have people skip past because they dont know what it's about. if i am wrong then i am and i apologize for that.

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Very little about this makes it look like spam. Your report was hasted and wasted.

i didnt report it. i almost did because it looked like typical livestream stuff... i mean i understand it was probably just me, but whatever. i still wouldnt know what the thread was exactly about based on the title because i dont know who any of the named people are without reading the first post. whatever i guess, i mean it isnt a huge issue but i felt as though i should mention something as this is something i (to some extent nothing against the guy but i am not really into interview things normally) and several others would be intrested in and you dont want to have people skip past because they dont know what it's about. if i am wrong then i am and i apologize for that.


It why I threw some Tags on there for Enderal. I promise it isnt Spam

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It would be good for this thread to have ENDERAL in the title to get more views. You could talk with nexus admins about adding it to news section.



Question: Now that Enderal project have been rounded up and translated are there any plans on enhancing the available content? For example adding secondary outcome to player choices when engaging in voiced dialogue, so that we can either save an NPC or kill him/her on our own.

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It would be good for this thread to have ENDERAL in the title to get more views. You could talk with nexus admins about adding it to news section.



Question: Now that Enderal project have been rounded up and translated are there any plans on enhancing the available content? For example adding secondary outcome to player choices when engaging in voiced dialogue, so that we can either save an NPC or kill him/her on our own.

Thanks for the question and the suggestions!


I requested to put Enderal in title and also to have it in a news section possibly.

Edited by Robmokron
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