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Oblivion Reloaded FPS drop/lag spike


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So, I got everything setup with OR and I love the look of the game and it seems to run at a comparable speed to what OBGEv3 ran at but... I am getting FPS drops at fairly regular intervals that shouldn't have anything at all to do with terrain or any of my texture mods.


I double checked this by installing two complete versions of Oblivion, one with OBGEv3 and one with OR. With no differences between the two games build whatsoever except the OBGE version, the OR game look much better but would drop from 30 FPS (locked at 30 by stutter remover) to 15 FPS then after a few seconds go right back up to 30 FPS. It seems as if something is running in the background but I cannot figure it out.


Anyone know anything that might help?

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POM can decrease FPS in certain area.

Same for the grass if you increased the density/display distance ...

But OR is adding so many features it is hard to tell which one is causing that.

Try to disable OR's features one by one (in the ini file) and launch the game each time. You will find which one is causing this FPS drop.

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I was told it may be the OR purger but I have no idea where to find that to turn it off, any ideas? I would to get this going but this is my second try with OR and I am thinking of just going back to OBGEv3. =/


Edit: I found the purger in the oblivionreloadedexe ini but that doesn't seem to be the issue, who knows. I don't feel like troubleshooting anymore mods, I am just ready to play the game, heh. I really like the water shader for OR, its awesome. I wish there was a similar shader for OBGEv3 or a separate mod that could do that. In the end OR might be 4 times faster than OBGE but if it is doing 12 times more to the game... it ends up being slower. And slower is bad.


It's strange too, everything will be going great then suddenly it drops to 15 FPS, I spin my camera around and wait asecond and soon its back to 30 FPS. It may just be happening when something in the far distance is loading, again... who knows.

Edited by Murielkai
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How often you have a drop to 15 FPS ? Constantly ?

Just after loading the save and then it goes back to normal ? In this case it is not a big issue.
Try to remove the oblivionreloaded.dll and see if the probem persists.

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Every few minutes or so, maybe every cell or two I pass through, it will drop to 15-18 FPS for a few seconds then right back up to 30. It may not be OR at all, well... at not directly. It may be that OR just runs a ton of stuff in the background and another mod of mine, such as Maskars Overhaul or something else perhaps, is causing the drop in FPS by running a script every few minutes. Who knows, all I do know is that I do not have this problem with OBGEv3. All I really want is a godray shader, OR was nice but from what I am reading the play-testers/developers have Oblivion installed on solid state drives and that could be the issue for me also. I have it installed on a 7200 RPM SSD hybrid drive because I literally burnt out an SSD once before from unzipping, zipping, modding, and deleting hundreds of gigs a day.


I tried OR once before and experienced some other issues, this is my second go at it and it's performance doesn't impress me as much as its appearance. I don't mean anything bad to the modders who are developing it, and I am grateful for everyone in the communities (years of) hard work, but a mod needs to "just work". At least to some degree. And it needs to at least be tested with other major mods, such as QTP3, RAEVWD, and the overhauls such as OOO and Maskers would be nice.


Sorry for the griping, I feel justified when I spend 3-4 days of my life trying to troubleshoot someone else's life's work. Anyway, what does the "oblivionreloaded.dll" do exactly?

Edited by Murielkai
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The FPS get much worse when I remove the .dll file.


What about these recommended settings, they seem awful high:




Edit: I may have got it. When I changed the uGridDistantCount=50 and uGridDistantTreeRange=30 settings from the recommended (by Oblivion Reloaded) to the default uGridDistantCount=25 and uGridDistantTreeRange=15 I still get the FPS drops but they pass MUCH faster and the game is very playable.


I also change these settings here, which I have used for a long time. Not sure which ones help or not but alltogether the difference is amazing in performance. I imagine the FPS drop or lag I was having was actually severe "stutter" from distant grids loading.


uInterior Cell Buffer=12
uExterior Cell Buffer=144
Multithreading Tweaks:


Problem solved.

Edited by Murielkai
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Removing the .dll file just make OR to stop working (I asked you that to see if OR is the problem) , install this file again if your want OR.


If you have RAEVWD, then you found why your fps is so low. Adding distant objects drops the FPS a lot. The framerate mode of OR can increase fps by removing some distant objects depending of your fps, that is why you noticed worst performance without OR.


Concerning uGridDistantCount=50 and uGridDistantTreeRange=30, leave them the Vanilla value (25 and 15), you will have way better performance (more fps, less loading time, more stability), especially if you want to add more mods.



Edited by bevilex
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