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No Mods Are Working!


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Hi, hoping someone can shine some light on my issue. After spending roughly 6 hours installing mods, seems none of them want work. My INI file is edited for modding (I've done about 3 playthroughs now, all decently modded (50+), and Fallout even detects all of them in game. But, alas, absolutely none of them are working. 6 hours flopped, pretty frustrated. I've done various INI edits, refreshed ArchiveInvalidation, checked and made sure all had a * prior to their name in the plugins INI, launched through steam, validated game cache, basicaly everything I can think of other than reinstall NMM and Fallout. Fallout prior to this was a fresh install and I just installed all released DLC prior to modding. NMM is the latest version as well (0.61.23) Any ideas?


Edit: Reupdated NMM, now launch through F4SE, marked all my INI files (including plugins) as read only. Refreshed all my INI files. Still nothin'. I'm pretty much at a loss. The game sees ALL my mods as active in the in-game mod manager, yet none of them are actually working...? Could really use some help :/


EditEdit: Fun fact: Fallout 4 goes as far to mock me and remind me when I've disabled mods using NMM. According to all the menus and information I'm receiving from being in-game, you'd think something would actually show up. If anything, the ballistics mod I'm using has removed all ballistic projectiles (no impact when I shoot anything, organic or not) and re-worked areas (such as the mod "better good neighbor") seemed to have taken some effect. I'm so bloody lost.


EditEditEdit: Even with all mods disabled but one (I left my grass mod on) still nothin. So it can't be a load issue, right? RIGHT?! -Slams head off desk-


Edit Day 2: After disabling all my mods, I just re-enabled all of them and used LOOT to sort the plugins, after I had already done so by hand to be safe. All are marked active in NMM. Still nothing working...

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