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is this right with these mods?


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Im now lv19, right armor set with around 190 arm, one handed and shield, 300-350 hp.

Im playing with dcr, asis, ace combat skill. (if I list mods that are affecting enemies toughness.)

I went into fory greymor and met somr bandits. one of them, two handed guy killed me with one shot (with killmove) when Im in 90% of hp several times. that means two handed bandit dealt me about 300 damage with one hit even i have 190 arm. its about twice or three times stronger than the dragons biting that I met right before. I could kill him after several trying and its still fun but I'm wandering that is this normall or there can be an error in enemies perk(stat) mods combinations.

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I think is normal, 2 handed bandits with warhammer or waraxe are suppose to one shot you at least they do the same to me in Expert difficulty using Perma, ASIS, Combat Evolved (modified with some settings from SkyRe EnemyAI), Duel Combat Realism, SkyRe Enemy Scaling, Perma Zones Balanced.

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Because of the way that Skyrim handles enemies, it is entirely possible that the bandit you encountered was significantly higher level than the dragon. You also have a bunch of mods that dramatically increase the difficulty of NPCs but don't touch dragons. The perks distributed by ASIS alone can double or more the damage output of NPCs.

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In theory you should install mod/mods to make dragons more difficult; (like Ultimate Dragons; Dragon Combat Overhaul; Deadly Dragons ecc.) as well if you want your game to be balance but then you would get destroyed by everything in it....

Edited by Project579
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