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I think I broke Ronnie Shaw (and maybe Preston as well)


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After finishing Defend the Castle, the quest said I had to speak to Ronnie. That didn't work, I just got my character saying "I'm looking for weapons", and her trading window opening. Even more, just being next to her and looking in her general direction without pressing E activated this. I suspect she was supposed to initiate dialogue on her own, but for some reason it went right to the trading window.


I read the Wiki and did "SetStage 000bdb04 450". That changed the quest objective to "talk to Preston", but did not remove Ronnie's auto-opening trading window. Also, Preston only gave me the generic follower dialogue, nothing quest-relevant.


Not sure if related, but after the attack, almost all my settlers in the Castle got stuck in a wall of concrete foundations I built to fix the Castle wall. I guess I will have to remove the wall for the time being

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Sounds like you either have to use the setstage ... 500 which complets the quest entirely, or you'll have to go back to an earlier save...

You also should have a look at DDProductions' fixed castlewalls mod, if that one is still available on its own and not being made a part of his huge AIO mod.

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I returned to earlier saves a few times. At least to one which I made during the fight. That didn't change anything. I guess I could try an even earlier save...


Mhh the only castle wall mod I could find is this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6802/?

I think I know which one you mean, I remeber seeing one which adds the exact missing pieces of the walls as buildable objects, but I can't find that one anymore. Did it have some improved navmeshing in the castle to prevent settlers from thinking they can go though the walls?

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I returned to earlier saves a few times. At least to one which I made during the fight. That didn't change anything. I guess I could try an even earlier save...


Mhh the only castle wall mod I could find is this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6802/?

I think I know which one you mean, I remeber seeing one which adds the exact missing pieces of the walls as buildable objects, but I can't find that one anymore. Did it have some improved navmeshing in the castle to prevent settlers from thinking they can go though the walls?

The Castle Walls Repair mod (was called something silly like DDP_Slooty_Castle_Innie) is now either part of DDProductions' AIO which has a ton of more than interesting mods (I used six or even of them before getting the AIO, so, I gladly took the rest too as it's only one .esp for the lot) or part of his Tina's Cookiepocolypse, I'm not sure which...


My settlers at the castle and anywhere else are constantly trying to get through walls :D The FO4 I.A. is kinda silly that way...


I also saw just now that DDProductions got banned almost a month ago... I think he had it coming, but still a bummer because the dude made great mods :(

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I do know Tina's Cookiepoclypse has the castle wall fix.

It is one of the mods that never got unhidden before his ban, and keeped just in case I stop using Tina's.


After reading the AIO page, the castle wall fix in not in AIO.

I have not played seriously lately due to the new DLC being released soon, and all the updates for it.

It been awhile since I have done this quest with Tina's, so I do not know for sure how the navmesh works with Tina's.

I know I never had an issue with DDpros castle wall fix, and the navmesh fix he came up with, so it might be possable Tina's will work fine.


As long as you like strange quests, and are not offended easley Tina's is a great mod.

Edited by bill8872
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I guess I'll pass on the castle wall mods for now.


Is there any kind of a console command to initiate specific dialogue, or to stop NPCs from attempting to initiate dialogue with you?

Not that I am aware of.


You could search for console commands, as I know a few sites have them, Wiki page is one, but I really do not think there is such a command.

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