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Physiques in Skyrim.


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Why is there no fat people in the whole Skyrim? I always wondered why everyone was walking around with biceps and abs Mr Arnie Schwarznegger would have been proud of in his prime! I think a mode that gives people different weight and physiques would be wonderful, as I don't believe there is anything like this currently?

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Actually there are different shapes and sizes for everyone. Just Skyrim doesnt have a huge variety in its vannila state. If you want you could use Bodyslide make the heavy end fat and the low end... Stay the same if you want skinny. You'll see a difference.
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Actually there are different shapes and sizes for everyone. Just Skyrim doesnt have a huge variety in its vannila state. If you want you could use Bodyslide make the heavy end fat and the low end... Stay the same if you want skinny. You'll see a difference.


Thanks dude, I'll be sure to check it out.

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