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Creating a dash


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I use it as a lesser power as well, use script to get NPC's to cast it.

Here's a resource, someone's already done it.



Oh damn, didn't think someone would make the exact thing I needed lol.

Anyway, I think the problem was that a shout animation event needs to have the shout animation precede it.


Function OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)

	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Caster as ObjectReference, "ShoutStart")
	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Caster as ObjectReference, "ShoutSprintMediumStart")



New problem, how do I alter the magnitude so the player isn't going the full distance? Setting the magnitude lower doesn't do anything.


I tried adding (Caster as ObjectReference).InterruptCast() at the end with no delay, no luck.



	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Caster as ObjectReference, "IdleForceDefaultState")

Stops the animation but the player auto jogs the rest of the distance. If the PC is unsheathed, they have to re-equip the weapon to get things to fix.

Edited by Elias555
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I use it as a lesser power as well, use script to get NPC's to cast it.

Here's a resource, someone's already done it.



Oh damn, didn't think someone would make the exact thing I needed lol.

Anyway, I think the problem was that a shout animation event needs to have the shout animation precede it.


Function OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)

	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Caster as ObjectReference, "ShoutStart")
	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Caster as ObjectReference, "ShoutSprintMediumStart")



New problem, how do I alter the magnitude so the player isn't going the full distance? Setting the magnitude lower doesn't do anything.


I tried adding (Caster as ObjectReference).InterruptCast() at the end with no delay, no luck.



	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Caster as ObjectReference, "IdleForceDefaultState")

Stops the animation but the player auto jogs the rest of the distance. If the PC is unsheathed, they have to re-equip the weapon to get things to fix.


There's no conditions in CK to change. The distance is governed by behaviour. Maybe there's a way to edit that somehow, but i don't know.


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Instead of editing, isn't there a way to force the player to stop moving suddenly?

Dunno maybe interrupt it with another animevent? Thou haven't tried that and it may look bad animating.

Why not use the short dash?


Isn't this an animation event? Like I said, the PC is still propelled and just runs the rest of the way and an unsheathed weapon needs resheathing.

	Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Caster as ObjectReference, "IdleForceDefaultState")

I think that was the shortest dash, despite the name.

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